Czołowy prawnik NZ ostrzega premiera Arderna przed zarzutami karnymi, jeśli szczepienia na Covida będą kontynuowane


4 czerwca 2021

Od: Sue Grey

Data: czwartek, 3 czerwca 2021, 23:33


Do: Hon Jacinda Ardern , David Parker , Andrew Little , Chris Hipkins chris.hipkins@parliament , , Chris James ,

Szanowny Premierze, Prokuratorze Generalnym, Ministrze Zdrowia, Ministrze Covid, Ministrze Seniorów, Dyrektorze Generalnym Zdrowia i Chris Hipkins.

Załączam poniżej kilka nowych i bardzo ważnych badań, których, muszę zakładać, Twoi doradcy jeszcze Ci nie dostarczyli, w przeciwnym razie eksperymentalne wdrożenie wtrysku Pfizera z pewnością zostałoby już zawieszone.

Obecnie wyraźnie ustalono, że SP Protein jest toksyną, która powoduje szkodliwe objawy znane jako „Covid”.

Prawnik i mikrobiolog Sue Grey (poniżej) ostrzega premiera Arderna przed zarzutami karnymi, jeśli ataki Covida będą kontynuowane

Z pewnością nie muszę wyjaśniać prawnych, etycznych i praw człowieka konsekwencji rządu świadomie promującego program, który celowo wstrzykuje zagrażającą życiu toksynę zdrowym ludziom.

Załączam również raport wskazujący, że wstrzyknięte nanocząsteczki (i SPProtein) nie pozostają w mięśniu ramienia, ale krążą po całym ciele.

Łączny efekt polega na tym, że szczepienie firmy Pfizer wstrzykuje mRNA, aby przejąć komórki w celu wytworzenia śmiertelnej toksyny SP-Protein, która rozprzestrzenia się po dużej części ciała, wytwarzając toksynę SP-Protein przez wiele dni, a w niektórych przypadkach przez wiele tygodni.

To wyjaśnia, dlaczego nawet ograniczone dostępne badania z dwóch miesięcy badań podsumowane w arkuszu danych Comirnaty identyfikują możliwe uszkodzenia wielu różnych części ciała, w tym serca, krwi, mózgu, układu mięśniowo-szkieletowego, układu nerwowego, omdlenia i zawrotów głowy itp.

To już nie jest tylko szokujący eksperyment. Wszyscy zaangażowani są teraz zawiadomieni o tej „ruletce wstrzykiwania”, która może skutkować śmiercią lub poważnymi obrażeniami u wcześniej zdrowych osób. Konsekwencje w zakresie zdrowia i bezpieczeństwa dla pracodawców i tych, którzy walczą o to cięcie, są znaczące.

Żadna śmierć po wstrzyknięciu nie może być prawnie wykluczona jako spowodowana lub spowodowana przez wstrzyknięcie, przynajmniej nie bez pełnego raportu koronera. Z pewnością każdy udar poszczepienny, zawał serca, inne zaburzenia krwi, zaburzenia układu nerwowego, a nawet samobójstwo lub wypadek samochodowy (znany za granicą jako „wypadki”), należy prima facie założyć, że został spowodowany lub przyczynił się do tego szczepienie, przynajmniej do czasu pełnego Wykonany zostaje raport koronera.

Podobnie nie wystarczy twierdzić, że nasi seniorzy, którzy umierają po kłuciu, byli słabi i prawdopodobnie umrą. Z pewnością, gdyby byli tak słabi, należało ich oszczędzić przed ciosem. W każdym razie z pewnością „zgony po Jabie” należy traktować spójnie z „zgonami po Covid”.

Pomimo tajnego, wadliwego i bardzo pasywnego oficjalnego procesu zgłaszania obrażeń po kłuciu (CARM), a także w wyniku bardziej aktywnej obserwacji prowadzonej przez społeczność, już jesteś zawiadomiony o wielu zgonach i zagrażających życiu oraz szkodach zmieniających życie z tego powodu iniekcja. Zgony i szkody będą nieuchronnie kontynuowane, jeśli pojawią się dalsze zastrzyki. Być może początkowo miałeś wymówkę, że myślałeś, że SPProtein jest „bezpieczne”. Jednak teraz zauważyłeś, że nie jest to „bezpieczne” z żadnej definicji.

Co więcej, chociaż jesteś w uprzywilejowanej pozycji, jesteś o tym powiadomiony, wielu członków społeczeństwa, których zostałeś wybrany do reprezentowania, pozostaje oszukanych przez wprowadzające w błąd twierdzenia w koronnej propagandzie, że szczepienie jest „bezpieczne i skuteczne”. W takich okolicznościach nie może być „świadomej zgody”. Każde uderzenie bez świadomej zgody stanowi naruszenie Kodeksu Zdrowia i Niepełnosprawności i stanowi napaść.

W tych okolicznościach trwający program jest z pewnością kryminalny i rzeczywiście może skutkować zabójstwem zgodnie z definicją ustawy o przestępstwach:

158Zdefiniowano zabójstwo

Zabójstwo to zabicie człowieka przez kogoś, bezpośrednio lub pośrednio, w jakikolwiek sposób.

Porównaj: 1908 nr 32 s 173

Każdy, kto pomaga, podżega lub w inny sposób podżega do zabójstwa, jest stroną tego zabójstwa.

Zwracam uwagę, że Dyrektor Generalny ds. Zdrowia podzielił swój pogląd w formie zaprzysiężonych dowodów, że Covid jest najpoważniejszym problemem zdrowotnym dla Nowej Zelandii od 100 lat.

Zapraszam wszystkich do bardzo uważnego i krytycznego rozważenia tego twierdzenia. Proszę spojrzeć na firmę Covid z perspektywy wielu innych wyzwań, przed którymi stoimy, w tym na przykład zawałów serca, udarów, raka, wypadków samobójczych i cukrzycy oraz azotanów i innych zanieczyszczeń dużej części naszej wody.

Z pewnością musisz zgodzić się, że szkoda nie pochodzi z „Covid”, ale z „Odpowiedzi na Covid”.

Najlepszym dowodem eksperta jest to, że ryzyko związane z Covid jest podobne do ryzyka związanego z grypą. Wielu ekspertów twierdzi teraz, że Covid to po prostu zmiana nazwy grypy i przeziębienia, poparta testami PCR, które nigdy nie miały być narzędziem diagnostycznym. WHO twierdzi, że testy PCR nie powinny być stosowane dłużej niż 20-25 cykli. Odpowiedzi OIA wskazują, że w testach PCR NZ wykorzystuje się do 45 cykli, co po prostu zwielokrotnia ewentualne zanieczyszczenie.

Nasz rząd wkrótce wejdzie w niebezpieczną nową fazę, jeśli zacznie wstrzykiwać zdrowszym Nowozelandczykom zastrzyk, który eksperci ustalili jako toksyczny.

Oprócz bezpośredniej krzywdy dla tych, którzy wybierają lub są prześladowani, aby zaakceptować ten zastrzyk, istnieje znaczna szkoda obwodowa. Obejmuje to skażenie naszego Banku Krwi za pomocą SPProtein. Możemy jedynie spekulować na temat ryzyka dla osób wrażliwych, które otrzymują krew skażoną tą toksyną.

Proszę się zatrzymać i zastanowić. Proszę posłuchać międzynarodowych ekspertów, którzy są niezależni od Wielkiej Farmacji i którzy nie inwestują w paradygmat Covid.

Proszę posłuchać ekspertów naukowych i medycznych z Nowej Zelandii, którzy ze skrajnego niepokoju postawili na szali swoją karierę i reputację.

Proszę skorygować błędne informacje, że ten zastrzyk jest „bezpieczny i skuteczny” oraz „zatwierdzony przez Medsafe”, podczas gdy w rzeczywistości nie spełniał ustawowych kryteriów, że „korzyści przewyższają ryzyko”.

Zawieszenie programu nie stanowi bezpośredniego zagrożenia dla zdrowia. Zaprzysiężonym dowodem dr Bloomfielda było to, że ryzyko dotyczyło głównie finansów i reputacji.

Proszę, znajdź odwagę, by rzucić wyzwanie temu, kto to prowadzi i każdemu, kto działa na podstawie dogmatów, a nie dowodów, rozumu lub etyki.

Przyszłość Nowej Zelandii zależy od waszej odwagi do podjęcia tego krytycznego apelu dla naszego narodu.

Zachęcam do słuchania, angażowania się i działania w interesie publicznym.

Proszę odłożyć na bok swoją dumę i dogmaty i zawiesić ten program.

Cieszę się, że mogę pomóc, jak tylko mogę.

Sue Grey LLB (z wyróżnieniem), BSc (biochemia i mikrobiologia), RSHDipPHI

Współprowadzący imprezę NZ plenerową w

O redaktorze, cairnsnews

Jeden z nielicznych patriotów, którzy odeszli, rozumie system i to, jak został on całkowicie obalony pod nosem każdego obywatela. Jeśli możemy pomóc to odwrócić, zrobimy to, inaczej nasze dzieci nie będą miały nic. Nasze śledztwa pokazują, że nie ma „rządu” ludu dla mieszkańców Australii. Usunięcie korony z parlamentów australijskich, a następnie włączenie parlamentów wspieranych przez ustawę australijską z 1987 r. pozostawiło nam rządy korporacyjne z zasadami, a nie prawami, które mają zastosowanie tylko do członków partii politycznych i służb publicznych. Nie ma innego prawa niż prawo zwyczajowe. Fakt ten zostanie potwierdzony w niedalekiej przyszłości, ponieważ liczne wyzwania prawne, które obecnie toczą się, zbliżają się do sedna.

Posted on June 8, 2021, in coronavirus, Covid Cops, Covid passport, Covid vaccines, Covid-19 and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 45 Comments.

  1. Arden just another Jew

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Great news. Hopefully they don’t remove her licence and try to silence her.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. crisscross767

    They are injecting us with toxins (virus’)

    What is a virus? etymology

    virus (n.)
    late 14c., “poisonous substance” (a sense now archaic), from Latin virus “poison, sap of plants, slimy liquid, a potent juice,” from Proto-Italic *weis-o-(s-) “poison,” which is probably from a PIE root *ueis-, perhaps originally meaning “to melt away, to flow,” used of foul or malodorous fluids, but with specialization in some languages to “poisonous fluid” (source also of Sanskrit visam “venom, poison,” visah “poisonous;” Avestan vish- “poison;” Latin viscum “sticky substance, birdlime;” Greek ios “poison,” ixos “mistletoe, birdlime;” Old Church Slavonic višnja “cherry;” Old Irish fi “poison;” Welsh gwy “poison”).

    The meaning “agent that causes infectious disease” emerged by 1790s gradually out of the earlier use in reference to venereal disease (by 1728); the modern scientific use dates to the 1880s. The computer sense is from 1972.

    VIRUS (among Physicians) a kind of watery stinking Matter, which issues out of Ulcers, being endued with eating and malignant Qualities. [Bailey’s dictionary, 1770]



    “…….Dr. Thomas Cowan, MD, and author of several excellent alternative medicine books, speaking at the ‘Human Health and Rights’ summit in Tucson, Arizona, March 12, 2020, relates that the famous 19th century philosopher, Rudolph Steiner, when asked about the cause of the Spanish Flu, responded with, “Viruses are simply excretions of a toxic cell.” Cowan expounds with:

    “Viruses are pieces of DNA or RNA with a few other proteins. They bug-out from the cell. They happen when the cell is poisoned. They are not the cause of anything. And the first way I would encourage you to think about this is if you were a famous dolphin doctor and you’ve been studying dolphins in the Artic Circle for hundreds of years, or at least a long time, and they call you up saying, ‘Fred, all the dolphins, or a lot of the dolphins are dying in the Arctic Circle, can you come and investigate?’ And you have one question to ask, how many of you would say ‘I want to investigate the dolphin to see the genetic makeup of that dolphin’? Nobody. Because that is stupid. How many of you would say ‘I want to see if this dolphin and that dolphin has a virus because it might be contagious and that’s why all these dolphins are getting sick.’? How many of you would say, ‘somebody put some shit in the water’… like Exxon Valdez? Anybody? Everybody. Because that’s what happened. And the cells get poisoned, they try to purify themselves by excreting debris, which we call ‘viruses.’ … I had a dramatic example of this when I was growing up. Right outside our house there was a wetlands and it was full of frogs and the frogs kept me up at night and in the spring they made a big racket, and over time the frogs were all gone. How many think the frogs had a genetic disease? How many think the frogs had a virus? How many think somebody put DDT into the water? That’s what happened. (DDT in the water) Diseases are poisonings. So what happened in 1918 (with the Spanish Flu)? With every pandemic in the last 150 years there was a huge, quantum leap in the electrification of the earth. In 1918 there was the introduction of radio waves around the world. Whenever you expose any biological system to a new electromagnetic field, you poison it, you kill some and the rest go into a kind of suspended animation, so interestingly they live a little bit longer and sicker.”………….

    [QLD] More wastewater samples test positive to COVID-19

    My comment: So what! People are merely excreting toxins from a poisoned cell –

    25 January 2020

    Fragments of COVID-19 have been detected in sewage at seven more sites in Queensland.

    Queensland Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young said viral fragments of SARS-CoV-2 had been detected at wastewater treatment plants at Caboolture South, Oxley Creek, Bundamba, Gibson Island, Luggage Point, Maryborough and Pulgul (Hervey Bay).

    “While this does not mean we have new cases of COVID-19 in these communities, we are treating these detections seriously,” Dr Young said.

    “A positive sewage result means that someone who has been infected was shedding the virus. Infected people can shed viral fragments and that shedding can happen for several weeks after the person is no longer infectious………………..”

    – PCR is not a test, it is a technique to amplify very small amounts of DNA to provide enough material to allow analysis of the minute DNA sample to be undertaken.

    As an example, think ‘Jurassic Park’ – you have a very small sample of Dinosaur DNA but not enough to grow your T-Rex, so you pass the small sample through numerous PCR cycles until you have ‘grown’ enough DNA to analyse and build that T-Rex.

    The charlatans (AKA Experts) are growing very small samples of C-Flu DNA and then stating that because they now have a manufactured large amount of C-Flu DNA (because of the high cycles, >40, used) a person is infected. This is wrong, wrong, wrong and not scientific at all.

    Kary Mullis – The Full Interview with Gary Null


  4. Ed. Thanks for posting this.

    What an exceptionally brave woman – and a Lawyer AND a Microbiologist.
    Hopefully she isn’t ‘struck off’ for stating FACTS.

    One wonders if Ardern even cares what she is allowing to happen, after all, this appears to be this good lady’s 2nd open letter.

    I’ve often wondered how much $$ big Pharma is paying these miscreant government ‘officials’ who are following the WW UN/WHO/Fauchi fraud narrative.

    Keep up the good work, as it’s much appreciated and heart warming to hear of yet another brave soul who is willing to step up to the plate.

    Cheers. Cal aka ozbattler


  5. Thanks Oz we are still at it. If we can stop just one victim from getting a jab then we have saved a life. ED


  6. All about the depopulation vaccinations-Jew world order and making money out of killing people!same as WW1 and WW2! In this case it’s a bio weapon on the masses!its not rocket science folks


  7. Great work – but they won’t listen as they have an agenda (2030). Ardern is another puppet criminal..


  8. The silence of the legal profession has been deafening in Australia except for Serene Teffaha who had her practising licence suspended and bank accounts frozen without due process.


  9. Coincidental I published a;lso on 8 June 2021 the following:

    Those who seek to deny opposing views to be published often have an intention to cover up any wrongdoing by vilifying someone who seeks to correct the records. Be aware always check for opposing views to be able to make an “INFORMED” decision.

    This document can be downloaded from:


  10. Julie Andrews

    Thank you for the courage to speak this request on behalf of the NZ community. I wholeheartedly agree with you, Julie Andrews


  11. ..government duties to its citizen is accuracy of information and protecting its citizens livelihood and Heath care. By your implication about the vaccine producing SProtien being a toxin and harmful to our body, doesn’t our Singapore medical high standards of good health care system know about this? Everyday our health ministry is pushing out nationwide TV and billboards messages to get us all vaccinated with Pilfer jab! Is our government here hiding something that is so insidious that money can buy..please post this question officially to our news channel CNA for response..I was almost ready to get the jab but now holding back till WHO come out clean or has been already..


  12. Are you telling me, in NZ babies don’t need to take ANY vaccines at all? If you show so much hate toward the covid19 vaccines, then STOP allowing any other vaccines to be used in your country. ALL VACCINES carry risks. Just like all medicines carry risks. Any kind of food you eat or products you apply carry risks. Not sure why people are coming up with so much bs about covid or covid vaccines when there are millions dead from this disease. So the next time any of you get into accidents try to avoid tetanus jabs at the hospital cos you don’t need it too. Shameful how there are even racist comments here.


  13. Thank God for courageous individuals like Sue Grey! These half-baked political “pundits” are authoritarian tyrants who are willing slaves of Big Pharma and Big Tech. This madness MUST be confronted before it devours us all. Praying that lawyers will rise up in every country tyrranised by these bureaucrats and Nuremberg trials will take place NOW!


  14. My health in my business. I reject any proposition that Government has any right to tell me what to do with my body. We have to stop this creeping dependence on “Big Govt”. I want them OUT of my life – all they do is cause harm


  15. We don’t like any vaccines especially after 12 months of research our journos have done with medical experts around the globe. Did you know nearly all our blackfella mates from the Torres Strait (between Queensland and PNG- most southerners have never heard of it) have been jabbed with gene therapy mRNA and their life expectancy has now gone from 48 to 24 years. How long do you expect to live after the same treatment? Editor


  16. Hi Sue Grey, u hit the bull’s eye. After many months of reading in the social media. I realised the mainstream media r not telling the facts anymore.

    Dr. Anthony Fauci has been colluded with Bill Gates (Microsoft’s founder) to depopulated the human race. They do not HV conscience & ethics. They r playing God now..

    They r planning for vaccinenating international travel visas. I knew something was fishing…

    The few ultra rich & friends (creme De la crème) r transforming themselve into the monster n evil beings.

    From: Loke wai how , retired young bizman


  17. HELLO I am Terry ive researched every ingredient and what it causes both AstraZenica and pfizer,there has been 11000 adverse effects and 2000 deaths from the vaccines reported to the TGA

    My reference is Senator Murthy having his head bittern of about the cover up by Senator Lambie in parliamentry enquiry into the rollout behind closed doors hear in Australia.

    As the money spent and furthering their careers the politicians,but infact causing negligence.
    Senator Lambie makes a squealing yell at Senator Murthy saying that the government got a indemnity and people will not be getting compensated in the courts that the people are stuffed.
    Sen Murths response is Ide rather you not tell them that.
    Feel free to call me or email me at or phone terry 0413508552 in country Victoria.


  18. I have taken the courtesy to quote Sue’s letter in my complaint and exposed the further rot/scamming in Australia.
    Despite the FACTS we still have politicians and health officials peddling misinformation, deception, etc. Well, they are put on NOTICE.

    This document can be downloaded from:


  19. Hi Terry can you send us a link to Murphy and Lambie please?


  20. Complete bullshit or rather suegreybullshit!


  21. It’s good of Dr. Sue Grey to publish her findings of the Covid19 vaccines, it is a lengthy explanation but it will be Greek to many a reader. I am neither a vaccine supporter or an anti vaxxer, but coming from Malaysia I have seen the devastation of the Covid19 pandemic. Our country is experiencing a surge in the Covid19 infections due to half baked lockdowns and we are devastated by the following:
    1) daily infections are by the thousands
    2) death rates are close to a hundred
    3) hospitals, doctors, nurses are overworked and overwhelmed
    4) ICU wards are fully occupied
    5) mortuaries are full with bodies at make shift mortuaries
    6) the economy is heading southwards
    7) jobs are being lost, self employed are finding hard to make ends meet
    8) some are finding difficulty in putting food on the table and depending on food handouts
    9) many are suffering from mental exhaustion
    10) we are at a half baked lock down without a clear direction.
    For your party to post the evaluation of Covid19 vaccines is easy, for you all are do lucky to have a Govt who made a decisive move to eradicate the Covid19 pandemic, be thankful but your posting is hampering with the efforts of other countries with their vaccination programs. To know more about the situation of others I suggest you visit or read extensively the problems face by others. For me in cases like my country and countries like India, Brazil, Venezuela, south African countries, middle east etc etc they have no choice but to depend on Vaccination because if the Covid19 pandemic is not checked they will be devastated. We are thankful for your good intentions but without proposing a solution counter to vaccination you are actually putting fuel into fire. I pray that you will have Godly wisdom in sharing your knowledge but always try to provide a way out in your suggestions.


  22. William Jacobs

    To Sue Gray thank you from the bottom of my heart for I now know most of my family have taken a experimental vaccine and are part of the world wide GENOCIDE.
    Could you please post something so we can contribute money to you and your fight against this vaccine Pandemic.


  23. Good on you, Sue Grey.
    I am not sick and so will resist this vaccination.
    I understand that the Japanese have been researching the use of T Killer cells from an individuals own body to combat many types of diseases including COVID 19.
    It appears as though they have had success with this protocol.
    Worth waiting for, I think.
    Using your own cells to combat sicknesses seems to be infinitely better than what is being offered at present.


  24. very true I go against this injection n will take your advice warn my people on the harm this will bring..thankyou for the information.


  25. Hi Joseph there are pages on alternative solutions to the deadly mRNA jab, which does not work according to all the evidence, found in this publication. Government mandated Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquin will end the killer vax.


  26. Ah ha we detect a NWO, China puppet Ardern supporter…..


  27. Can we get this clear – What they call an infection is simply a positive pcr test – The pcr test over 25 cycles is completely useless – they are using 40-45 ). The are re-categorizing anyone who is sick as covid, denying service to really sick people and just lying to the public.


  28. This needs to stop right away and people are mislead massively. The big pharmaceutical companies, the big techs, Dr Anthony Fauci, the gates foundation and anyone else pushing uncalled for dangerous experimental injections needs to be charged for craimes against humanity at its highest level in history.. Everyone now knows what’s going on and what’s going on around this bogus PCR useless test kits for covid/Flu and when the inventer Kerry Mullis of the useless PCR test kits for covid says there no good and also says Dr Anthony Fauci is a lair.. Well Enough Said……….


  29. thanks for publishing this letter.

    There is an organisation in NZ called that is 1) providing a platform for civilians to report their or someone elses covid vaccine reaction 2) provide a platform for employees to report a business for bullying and intimidation or illegally firing someone for declining a potentially deadly medication and 3) taking the govt to court for illegal behaviour and 4) gathering funds to combat govt disinformation.

    Politically align with (but are separate to) The NZ Outdoors Party who ran a campaign 2020 election opposing the covid health response act, roll out of 5G without any safety data, opposing residual poisons such as 1080, opposing loss of democratic process, opposing Industry ‘science’ controlling govt policy and supporting organic farming, natural health care, etc etc. Please join the to support our mahi.


  30. Conspiracy, conspiracy, conspiracy. Many in the US, UK and other successful countries who have vaccinated much of their population have quietened down seeing that vaccination has brought Covid 19 havoc under control.

    Equating Covid 19 with the Flu is so ridiculous automatically discrediting the author. Hardly any healthy health personnel have died from treating Flu cases. Thousands have died treating Covid 19 cases when they contracted it from patients.

    New Zealand has been spared so far but if they start to suffer what these countries that have been ravaged by Covid 19 did, many of these anti-vaxers would change their tune. Vaccines have been fast tracked because you can’t wait years for their approval. By that time time the world would have been in a terrible mess.

    Yes vaccines can have side effects, any kind of medication can, but so far based on statistics it has been a huge success. The benefits far outweigh the few deaths attributable to the vaccine. It provides the only way out of this quagmire.

    Without vaccination the epidemic will go on endlessly killing more and more and many more will suffer the terrible Long Covid Syndrome. Variants will appear as the infection is rife and uncontrolled in the World.

    No country is an island, pun intended, and you can’t forever isolate yourself without suffering serious economic consequences.


  31. Fantastic letter – thanks. For all in Auistralia I suggest take a copy and forward this letter to polititians and also the TGA bureaucrats. Its time to really stand up fast. I’m shocked how quickly they are rolling this out.

    We also really need to hammer home that there are now very well established treatments for this advocated by hundreds of doctors. This Dr Pr McCullough interview is long but really explains it well.


  32. I can confirm she is a lawyer though hardly a top one. While she did study microbiology at Otago University, that was almost 40 years ago. No, she’s not a microbiologist.


  33. There is no excuse for so much ignorance – Thousands of healthy people dead , hundreds of thousands injured – it is experimental poison – they could not get it approved because in stage 2 it killed all the animals – my god!


  34. crisscross767

    The Australian governments subservience to higher authority (not God) in the Julian Assange case applies equally to the Covid scam/crime perpetrated on the Australian people.

    The Australian government, also in deference to Washington, has done nothing to help Assange. Australia, like every other vassal state, puts Washington’s interest ahead of both law and the interest of citizens.

    This week there were protests in Australia in support of Assange. However, Western governments are now so far removed from citizens who are today little more than subjects that it is unlikely that anything short of revolution can restore accountability to governments in the West.

    “Western democracy” has become an oxymoron. This article by Mike Head shows the disdain that the Western elites have for free speech, freedom of the press, truth, and the rights of citizens:


  35. I think Terrence might be referring to this video.


  36. crisscross767

    Anatomy of the Plandemic International Crime Scene

    By: The Armchair Covid Crime Investigator

    What follows is the shockingly intentional step-by-step criminal conspiratorial plot to commit global genocide and seriously debilitate populations around the globe via various types of COVID bioweapons and the ensuing Covid Super Vaccination Agenda.

    Given the sheer depth and breadth of this worldwide scheme to deliberately kill and/or injure as many human beings as possible, it’s clear that every major government, globalist institution, Fortune 1000 corporation and nongovernmental organization (especially healthcare), which is controlled by the New World Order globalist cabal, had to have had foreknowledge of this highly complex criminal scheme. Therefore, each remains an unindicted co-conspirator in the greatest crime spree ever to be perpetrated against the entire human race.

    Now, here’s what these inconceivably brazen, desperate and reckless Covid criminals meticulously planned out in advance with great attention to the malevolent details……………

    Role Reversal: How the US Became the USSR

    Paul Craig Roberts

    “…………….Whatever serves the tiny clique that rules America is legal; whatever exposes the criminals is illegal.

    That’s all there is to it”.

    “There is but one solution. The root cause of this cancer must be extracted. This would be the Jewish Mafia. The objectives of the Jewish Mafia include both Zionist and non-Zionist elements. Their main goal is to extract all wealth from every nation and seize complete control of the entire world. Until Americans come to acknowledge the role of the Jewish Mafia in the subversion of their nation, they will remain enslaved indefinitely. The same applies to Canada, Australia and all of Europe.”

    Exterminating the Goyim is Basis of the Cabala (have another good think about all those COVID ‘vaccines’ invented by Jewish scientists)


  37. Brian Hutching

    Need to take full notice of this.


  38. Brian Hutching

    I agree totally.


  39. Susie McNeilly

    Thank you for speaking up. We need people like you.


  40. Her ex boss & mentor War Criminal Tony Bliar is very proud of her …


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