Science backs Dr. Judy Mikovits' warning that the COVID vaccine could kill 50 million Americans

(There is the Second Part of a three-part series. Parts I , III )

(Backup link to download MP4)

[UPDATE: The upcoming genocide of adverse COVID virus reactions and who is to blame for it]


In the viral video, virologist Dr. Judy Mikovits says the vaccine is on coronavirus could kill 50 million Americans in the coming years which will then be blamed for the new COVID strains to stay used as justification for more mandatory vaccines. Deaths will be due to a viral infection against which even Dr. Anthony Fauci has cautioned as problematic with vaccines.

COVID19 is 99.4% to 99.8% a virus with a survival rate, and the death toll for which a research team in one state can be overstated by up to 40%.

Fauci told the congressional committee in the spring:

“I must warn you that there is a possibility of negative consequences when some vaccines can actually amplify the negative effects of infection ",

Many believe are planning that they that the super wealthy elite cleanse the planet of excess population.

Rushing to "overthrow", Reuters rates Mikovits' claim as "unfounded." Reuters tends to criticize the credibility of Mikovits, which is defended against in this interview .

However, the claims are not unfounded, according to science that describes an "inflammatory immune response" in animals tested in previous attempts to develop vaccines for the coronavirus, such as for SARS and MERS.

[Breaking: Professor Dolores Cahill: Why People Will Start Dying Several Months After The First Mrn Vaccination]

The biotechnology newsletter Biopharma Dive writes:

"There has never been a vaccine against the coronavirus. And many Vaccine makers based their designs on previous research on other coronaviruses, such as SARS or MERS, that share genetic similarities with SARS-CoV-2, but also differences. Much remains unknown about the new coronavirus and how our bodies respond to the infection. '

dla magazynu Nature Shibo Jiang, profesor wirusologii w School of Basic Medical Sciences na Uniwersytecie Fudan w Chinach, pisze :

“I've been working on developing vaccines and treatments for coronaviruses since 2003, when the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic broke out has become. In my opinion, standard protocols are essential for security health. Before COVID-19 is allowed to be used in humans, regulators should evaluate the safety of a range of virus strains and more than one animal model ... Working with the SARS virus shows that immunity is disturbing reactions were seen in ferrets and monkeys, but not in mice. "

The UK Independent informuje:

"COVID-19, like other coronaviruses, is expected to at least mutate every season, raising serious questions about claims to any vaccine will work. No effective vaccine has ever been developed against either many strains of coronaviruses, due to the nature of the virus itself; and vaccinated people may have a greater risk of serious illness i death after subsequent exposure to another strain of the virus, a phenomenon known as "virus interference". Earlier SARS vaccine never arrived market as the lab animals on which it was tested contracted more severe symptoms after re-infection and most of them died.

In other words, death may not happen with Coronavirus vaccines immediately, but in the next season after exposure to wild virus. Dr. Mikovits says health authorities know this very well.

As explained by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. , founder of Children's Health Defense:

"Scientists first attempted to develop coronavirus vaccines after SARS-CoV outbreak in China in 2002. Teams of US and foreign scientists vaccinated animals with the four most promising vaccines. Initially the experiment seemed successful as all the animals developed strongly antibody response to the coronavirus. However, once scientists exposed vaccinated animals against wild virus, the results were appalling. Vaccinated animals showed hyperimmune reactions, incl inflammation all over the body, especially in the lungs. The researchers saw the same "boosted immune response" in humans Testing of failed RSV vaccine tests in 1960. Two children died . "

Research paper cited by Kennedy Jr. reads: "Immunization with SARS coronavirus vaccines leads to pulmonary immunopathology when infected with SARS virus."

W artykule podsumowano:

„Wszystkie te szczepionki SARS-CoV wywoływały przeciwciała i ochronę przed zakażenie SARS-CoV. Jednak prowokacja myszy, którym podano którykolwiek z szczepionki doprowadziły do ​​wystąpienia immunopatologii typu Th2 wywołano nadwrażliwość na składniki SARS-CoV. Ostrożność w przystąpienie do podania szczepionki SARS-CoV ludziom jest wskazane. ”

Krótko mówiąc, zwierzęta zdechły z powodu nadpobudliwości całego ciała, zwłaszcza płuc.

Mikovits twierdzi, że będą ratownicy, żołnierze i policja pierwsza fala ofiar, terroryzując opinię publiczną, by zaakceptowała nawet dalsze szczepionki.

Od końca maja wiadomo, według CDC, że COVID jest wirusem o 99,8% przeżywalności , podobnie jak grypa, która wynosi 99,9%, co eliminuje potrzebę jakiejkolwiek szczepionki cokolwiek. Chociaż prawdą jest, że mogą mieć ciężkie przypadki COVID poważne następstwa, dotyczy to każdego poważnego przypadku oddechu choroby, w tym grypa .

W Szwecji, mimo że nigdy nie blokowano i nigdy nie zamawiano masek, a życie toczyło się normalnie, śmiertelność spadła do 20% poniżej Stanów Zjednoczonych i jest niższa niż we Francji, Włoszech, Wielkiej Brytanii, Hiszpanii i Belgii, wszystkie „blokady” kraje.

Dr. Judy Mikovits

Inni naukowcy kwestionują ramy czasowe opracowywania szczepionek na koronawirusa.

“Vaccine development is a long, complex and often ongoing process 10-15 years and involving a combination of public and private entanglement."

Dr Paul Offit, who helped invent the rotavirus vaccine, told CNN that the schedule [12-18 months] was "absurdly optimistic".

Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor University, told National Geographic that the 18-month schedule "would be absolutely unprecedented."

It is undisputed that there is one vigorous hand behind the current vaccine There is Bill Gates who even funded the Initiative Vaccine Decade . One of the talents used by Gates to lead this initiative is Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Dr. Fauci, was the subject of a mainstream report Newsweek on the subject controversially awarding more than $ 7 million to Wuhan Lab's funding China, for bat coronavirus research deemed so dangerous was banned in the US. ( Newsweek: "Dr. Fauci backed controversial Wuhan lab with US dollars for risky coronavirus research" )

W Indiach komisja śledcza odkryła, że ​​tysiące dziewcząt których rodziny były analfabetami, zostały okaleczone przez próby szczepionek ufundowane przez Fundacja Gates.

Wiarygodne India Economic Times doniesienia :

„Komisja stwierdziła, że… W wielu innych przypadkach odciski palców ich biednych i niepiśmiennych rodziców zostały należycie dołączone do zgody Formularz. Dzieci również nie miały pojęcia o naturze choroby lub szczepionka ”.

Stanowiło to naruszenie zasad ustalonych podczas Procesów Norymberskich , po procesie nazistowskiego lekarza Josefa Mengele , że nie można przeprowadzać żadnych eksperymentów na osobie bez jej w pełni świadomej zgody.

Gates może być ścigany wyłącznie na tej podstawie, przez każdego należycie zaprzysiężonego prokurator w każdym kraju, który jest sygnatariuszem konwencji genewskich.

W toczy się już jeden pozew Belgii , który wymienia Gatesa i profesora Neila Fergusona jako oskarżonych w planie oszukiwać opinię publiczną poprzez przestępcze wykorzystywanie kryzysu COVID. Ferguson jest profesorem Imperial College, który napisał artykuł „Report 9”, na których oparte są wszystkie obecne zasady blokowania. Fergusona model został teraz zdecydowanie potępiony przez innych naukowców i nie został zgłoszony w media, ponieważ nie mają podstaw naukowych .

Johan Giesecke, former chief scientist at the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention, called the Ferguson COVID model "one of the most misguided" models ever.

One of Ferguson's early erroneous models led to the terrifying and unnecessary outright slaughter of millions of sheep. The National Review reports:

“Ferguson was behind the controversial research they provoked mass slaughter of eleven million sheep and cattle during the 2001 outbreak foot and mouth disease. Charlotte Reid, the farmer's neighbor, recalls: “I remember that awful time. The sheep were starving fields close to us. Then came the outdoor slaughter. Poor animals were panic. It was one of the worst things I've ever witnessed.

Ferguson became known in scientific circles as the "Professor Lockdown" and "Master of Disaster". His work that set the blockades was partly funded by Bill Gates .

A must-read for any American should be, " Here's an injected Bill Gates biochip for those who think it's a conspiracy theory."

So say observers of the UN's 21 Agenda and other global initiatives the elite believe there are too many people on the planet, and it is in the process of depopulation. The elite will then rule unmatched in a technocratic society built solely for their benefit.

Porównanie z różnicą w populacji zaniedbań dotyczących grypy w Hiszpanii

COVID jest teraz porównywany do hiszpańskiej grypy, ponieważ Stany Zjednoczone zgłoszona liczba ofiar śmiertelnych wynosi rzekomo 400 000, ale to pomija fakt, że Hiszpańska grypa była prawie o wielkość gorsza w przeliczeniu na mieszkańca, ponieważ ludność Stanów Zjednoczonych liczyła wówczas około 100 000 milionów, mniej niż jedną trzecią dnia dzisiejszego, a liczba ofiar śmiertelnych wynosiła prawie 700 000.

A better comparison is with the flu Asian 1957. And flu zz Hong Kong 1968. , This last summer in this country took place the largest mass assembly in US history - Woodstock.


Bill Gates

Further reading

The upcoming genocide of adverse reactions to the COVID Vax virus and who to blame

Breaking: Professor Dolores Cahill: Why do people start dying months after the first Mrna vaccination

CDC: Vaccine reactions to COVID make 3,150 people "incapable of work", performing "daily activities"

Here's an injected Bill Gates biochip for those who think it's a conspiracy theory

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