/* Detect-zoom * ----------- * Cross Browser Zoom and Pixel Ratio Detector * Version 1.0.4 | Apr 1 2013 * dual-licensed under the WTFPL and MIT license * Maintained by https://github/tombigel * Original developer https://github.com/yonran */ //AMD and CommonJS initialization copied from https://github.com/zohararad/audio5js (function (root, ns, factory) { "use strict"; if (typeof (module) !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { // CommonJS module.exports = factory(ns, root); } else if (typeof (define) === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD define("factory", function () { return factory(ns, root); }); } else { root[ns] = factory(ns, root); } }(window, 'detectZoom', function () { /** * Use devicePixelRatio if supported by the browser * @return {Number} * @private */ var devicePixelRatio = function () { return window.devicePixelRatio || 1; }; /** * Fallback function to set default values * @return {Object} * @private */ var fallback = function () { return { zoom: 1, devicePxPerCssPx: 1 }; }; /** * IE 8 and 9: no trick needed! * TODO: Test on IE10 and Windows 8 RT * @return {Object} * @private **/ var ie8 = function () { var zoom = Math.round((screen.deviceXDPI / screen.logicalXDPI) * 100) / 100; return { zoom: zoom, devicePxPerCssPx: zoom * devicePixelRatio() }; }; /** * For IE10 we need to change our technique again... * thanks https://github.com/stefanvanburen * @return {Object} * @private */ var ie10 = function () { var zoom = Math.round((document.documentElement.offsetHeight / window.innerHeight) * 100) / 100; return { zoom: zoom, devicePxPerCssPx: zoom * devicePixelRatio() }; }; /** * Mobile WebKit * the trick: window.innerWIdth is in CSS pixels, while * screen.width and screen.height are in system pixels. * And there are no scrollbars to mess up the measurement. * @return {Object} * @private */ var webkitMobile = function () { var deviceWidth = (Math.abs(window.orientation) == 90) ? screen.height : screen.width; var zoom = deviceWidth / window.innerWidth; return { zoom: zoom, devicePxPerCssPx: zoom * devicePixelRatio() }; }; /** * Desktop Webkit * the trick: an element's clientHeight is in CSS pixels, while you can * set its line-height in system pixels using font-size and * -webkit-text-size-adjust:none. * device-pixel-ratio: http://www.webkit.org/blog/55/high-dpi-web-sites/ * * Previous trick (used before http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/100847): * documentElement.scrollWidth is in CSS pixels, while * document.width was in system pixels. Note that this is the * layout width of the document, which is slightly different from viewport * because document width does not include scrollbars and might be wider * due to big elements. * @return {Object} * @private */ var webkit = function () { var important = function (str) { return str.replace(/;/g, " !important;"); }; var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = "1
0"; div.setAttribute('style', important('font: 100px/1em sans-serif; -webkit-text-size-adjust: none; text-size-adjust: none; height: auto; width: 1em; padding: 0; overflow: visible;')); // The container exists so that the div will be laid out in its own flow // while not impacting the layout, viewport size, or display of the // webpage as a whole. // Add !important and relevant CSS rule resets // so that other rules cannot affect the results. var container = document.createElement('div'); container.setAttribute('style', important('width:0; height:0; overflow:hidden; visibility:hidden; position: absolute;')); container.appendChild(div); document.body.appendChild(container); var zoom = 1000 / div.clientHeight; zoom = Math.round(zoom * 100) / 100; document.body.removeChild(container); return{ zoom: zoom, devicePxPerCssPx: zoom * devicePixelRatio() }; }; /** * no real trick; device-pixel-ratio is the ratio of device dpi / css dpi. * (Note that this is a different interpretation than Webkit's device * pixel ratio, which is the ratio device dpi / system dpi). * * Also, for Mozilla, there is no difference between the zoom factor and the device ratio. * * @return {Object} * @private */ var firefox4 = function () { var zoom = mediaQueryBinarySearch('min--moz-device-pixel-ratio', '', 0, 10, 20, 0.0001); zoom = Math.round(zoom * 100) / 100; return { zoom: zoom, devicePxPerCssPx: zoom }; }; /** * Firefox 18.x * Mozilla added support for devicePixelRatio to Firefox 18, * but it is affected by the zoom level, so, like in older * Firefox we can't tell if we are in zoom mode or in a device * with a different pixel ratio * @return {Object} * @private */ var firefox18 = function () { return { zoom: firefox4().zoom, devicePxPerCssPx: devicePixelRatio() }; }; /** * works starting Opera 11.11 * the trick: outerWidth is the viewport width including scrollbars in * system px, while innerWidth is the viewport width including scrollbars * in CSS px * @return {Object} * @private */ var opera11 = function () { var zoom = window.top.outerWidth / window.top.innerWidth; zoom = Math.round(zoom * 100) / 100; return { zoom: zoom, devicePxPerCssPx: zoom * devicePixelRatio() }; }; /** * Use a binary search through media queries to find zoom level in Firefox * @param property * @param unit * @param a * @param b * @param maxIter * @param epsilon * @return {Number} */ var mediaQueryBinarySearch = function (property, unit, a, b, maxIter, epsilon) { var matchMedia; var head, style, div; if (window.matchMedia) { matchMedia = window.matchMedia; } else { head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; style = document.createElement('style'); head.appendChild(style); div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = 'mediaQueryBinarySearch'; div.style.display = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(div); matchMedia = function (query) { style.sheet.insertRule('@media ' + query + '{.mediaQueryBinarySearch ' + '{text-decoration: underline} }', 0); var matched = getComputedStyle(div, null).textDecoration == 'underline'; style.sheet.deleteRule(0); return {matches: matched}; }; } var ratio = binarySearch(a, b, maxIter); if (div) { head.removeChild(style); document.body.removeChild(div); } return ratio; function binarySearch(a, b, maxIter) { var mid = (a + b) / 2; if (maxIter <= 0 || b - a < epsilon) { return mid; } var query = "(" + property + ":" + mid + unit + ")"; if (matchMedia(query).matches) { return binarySearch(mid, b, maxIter - 1); } else { return binarySearch(a, mid, maxIter - 1); } } }; /** * Generate detection function * @private */ var detectFunction = (function () { var func = fallback; //IE8+ if (!isNaN(screen.logicalXDPI) && !isNaN(screen.systemXDPI)) { func = ie8; } // IE10+ / Touch else if (window.navigator.msMaxTouchPoints) { func = ie10; } //Mobile Webkit else if ('orientation' in window && typeof document.body.style.webkitMarquee === 'string') { func = webkitMobile; } //WebKit else if (typeof document.body.style.webkitMarquee === 'string') { func = webkit; } //Opera else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera') >= 0) { func = opera11; } //Last one is Firefox //FF 18.x else if (window.devicePixelRatio) { func = firefox18; } //FF 4.0 - 17.x else if (firefox4().zoom > 0.001) { func = firefox4; } return func; }()); return ({ /** * Ratios.zoom shorthand * @return {Number} Zoom level */ zoom: function () { return detectFunction().zoom; }, /** * Ratios.devicePxPerCssPx shorthand * @return {Number} devicePxPerCssPx level */ device: function () { return detectFunction().devicePxPerCssPx; } }); })); var wpcom_img_zoomer = { clientHintSupport: { gravatar: false, files: false, photon: false, mshots: false, staticAssets: false, latex: false, imgpress: false, }, useHints: false, zoomed: false, timer: null, interval: 1000, // zoom polling interval in millisecond // Should we apply width/height attributes to control the image size? imgNeedsSizeAtts: function( img ) { // Do not overwrite existing width/height attributes. if ( img.getAttribute('width') !== null || img.getAttribute('height') !== null ) return false; // Do not apply the attributes if the image is already constrained by a parent element. if ( img.width < img.naturalWidth || img.height < img.naturalHeight ) return false; return true; }, hintsFor: function( service ) { if ( this.useHints === false ) { return false; } if ( this.hints() === false ) { return false; } if ( typeof this.clientHintSupport[service] === "undefined" ) { return false; } if ( this.clientHintSupport[service] === true ) { return true; } return false; }, hints: function() { try { var chrome = window.navigator.userAgent.match(/\sChrome\/([0-9]+)\.[.0-9]+\s/) if (chrome !== null) { var version = parseInt(chrome[1], 10) if (isNaN(version) === false && version >= 46) { return true } } } catch (e) { return false } return false }, init: function() { var t = this; try{ t.zoomImages(); t.timer = setInterval( function() { t.zoomImages(); }, t.interval ); } catch(e){ } }, stop: function() { if ( this.timer ) clearInterval( this.timer ); }, getScale: function() { var scale = detectZoom.device(); // Round up to 1.5 or the next integer below the cap. if ( scale <= 1.0 ) scale = 1.0; else if ( scale <= 1.5 ) scale = 1.5; else if ( scale <= 2.0 ) scale = 2.0; else if ( scale <= 3.0 ) scale = 3.0; else if ( scale <= 4.0 ) scale = 4.0; else scale = 5.0; return scale; }, shouldZoom: function( scale ) { var t = this; // Do not operate on hidden frames. if ( "innerWidth" in window && !window.innerWidth ) return false; // Don't do anything until scale > 1 if ( scale == 1.0 && t.zoomed == false ) return false; return true; }, zoomImages: function() { var t = this; var scale = t.getScale(); if ( ! t.shouldZoom( scale ) ){ return; } t.zoomed = true; // Loop through all the elements on the page. var imgs = document.getElementsByTagName("img"); for ( var i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++ ) { // Wait for original images to load if ( "complete" in imgs[i] && ! imgs[i].complete ) continue; // Skip images that have srcset attributes. if ( imgs[i].hasAttribute('srcset') ) { continue; } // Skip images that don't need processing. var imgScale = imgs[i].getAttribute("scale"); if ( imgScale == scale || imgScale == "0" ) continue; // Skip images that have already failed at this scale var scaleFail = imgs[i].getAttribute("scale-fail"); if ( scaleFail && scaleFail <= scale ) continue; // Skip images that have no dimensions yet. if ( ! ( imgs[i].width && imgs[i].height ) ) continue; // Skip images from Lazy Load plugins if ( ! imgScale && imgs[i].getAttribute("data-lazy-src") && (imgs[i].getAttribute("data-lazy-src") !== imgs[i].getAttribute("src"))) continue; if ( t.scaleImage( imgs[i], scale ) ) { // Mark the img as having been processed at this scale. imgs[i].setAttribute("scale", scale); } else { // Set the flag to skip this image. imgs[i].setAttribute("scale", "0"); } } }, scaleImage: function( img, scale ) { var t = this; var newSrc = img.src; var isFiles = false; var isLatex = false; var isPhoton = false; // Skip slideshow images if ( img.parentNode.className.match(/slideshow-slide/) ) return false; // Skip CoBlocks Lightbox images if ( img.parentNode.className.match(/coblocks-lightbox__image/) ) return false; // Scale gravatars that have ?s= or ?size= if ( img.src.match( /^https?:\/\/([^\/]*\.)?gravatar\.com\/.+[?&](s|size)=/ ) ) { if ( this.hintsFor( "gravatar" ) === true ) { return false; } newSrc = img.src.replace( /([?&](s|size)=)(\d+)/, function( $0, $1, $2, $3 ) { // Stash the original size var originalAtt = "originals", originalSize = img.getAttribute(originalAtt); if ( originalSize === null ) { originalSize = $3; img.setAttribute(originalAtt, originalSize); if ( t.imgNeedsSizeAtts( img ) ) { // Fix width and height attributes to rendered dimensions. img.width = img.width; img.height = img.height; } } // Get the width/height of the image in CSS pixels var size = img.clientWidth; // Convert CSS pixels to device pixels var targetSize = Math.ceil(img.clientWidth * scale); // Don't go smaller than the original size targetSize = Math.max( targetSize, originalSize ); // Don't go larger than the service supports targetSize = Math.min( targetSize, 512 ); return $1 + targetSize; }); } // Scale mshots that have width else if ( img.src.match(/^https?:\/\/([^\/]+\.)*(wordpress|wp)\.com\/mshots\/.+[?&]w=\d+/) ) { if ( this.hintsFor( "mshots" ) === true ) { return false; } newSrc = img.src.replace( /([?&]w=)(\d+)/, function($0, $1, $2) { // Stash the original size var originalAtt = 'originalw', originalSize = img.getAttribute(originalAtt); if ( originalSize === null ) { originalSize = $2; img.setAttribute(originalAtt, originalSize); if ( t.imgNeedsSizeAtts( img ) ) { // Fix width and height attributes to rendered dimensions. img.width = img.width; img.height = img.height; } } // Get the width of the image in CSS pixels var size = img.clientWidth; // Convert CSS pixels to device pixels var targetSize = Math.ceil(size * scale); // Don't go smaller than the original size targetSize = Math.max( targetSize, originalSize ); // Don't go bigger unless the current one is actually lacking if ( scale > img.getAttribute("scale") && targetSize <= img.naturalWidth ) targetSize = $2; if ( $2 != targetSize ) return $1 + targetSize; return $0; }); // Update height attribute to match width newSrc = newSrc.replace( /([?&]h=)(\d+)/, function($0, $1, $2) { if ( newSrc == img.src ) { return $0; } // Stash the original size var originalAtt = 'originalh', originalSize = img.getAttribute(originalAtt); if ( originalSize === null ) { originalSize = $2; img.setAttribute(originalAtt, originalSize); } // Get the height of the image in CSS pixels var size = img.clientHeight; // Convert CSS pixels to device pixels var targetSize = Math.ceil(size * scale); // Don't go smaller than the original size targetSize = Math.max( targetSize, originalSize ); // Don't go bigger unless the current one is actually lacking if ( scale > img.getAttribute("scale") && targetSize <= img.naturalHeight ) targetSize = $2; if ( $2 != targetSize ) return $1 + targetSize; return $0; }); } // Scale simple imgpress queries (s0.wp.com) that only specify w/h/fit else if ( img.src.match(/^https?:\/\/([^\/.]+\.)*(wp|wordpress)\.com\/imgpress\?(.+)/) ) { if ( this.hintsFor( "imgpress" ) === true ) { return false; } var imgpressSafeFunctions = ["zoom", "url", "h", "w", "fit", "filter", "brightness", "contrast", "colorize", "smooth", "unsharpmask"]; // Search the query string for unsupported functions. var qs = RegExp.$3.split('&'); for ( var q in qs ) { q = qs[q].split('=')[0]; if ( imgpressSafeFunctions.indexOf(q) == -1 ) { return false; } } // Fix width and height attributes to rendered dimensions. img.width = img.width; img.height = img.height; // Compute new src if ( scale == 1 ) newSrc = img.src.replace(/\?(zoom=[^&]+&)?/, '?'); else newSrc = img.src.replace(/\?(zoom=[^&]+&)?/, '?zoom=' + scale + '&'); } // Scale files.wordpress.com, LaTeX, or Photon images (i#.wp.com) else if ( ( isFiles = img.src.match(/^https?:\/\/([^\/]+)\.files\.wordpress\.com\/.+[?&][wh]=/) ) || ( isLatex = img.src.match(/^https?:\/\/([^\/.]+\.)*(wp|wordpress)\.com\/latex\.php\?(latex|zoom)=(.+)/) ) || ( isPhoton = img.src.match(/^https?:\/\/i[\d]{1}\.wp\.com\/(.+)/) ) ) { if ( false !== isFiles && this.hintsFor( "files" ) === true ) { return false } if ( false !== isLatex && this.hintsFor( "latex" ) === true ) { return false } if ( false !== isPhoton && this.hintsFor( "photon" ) === true ) { return false } // Fix width and height attributes to rendered dimensions. img.width = img.width; img.height = img.height; // Compute new src if ( scale == 1 ) { newSrc = img.src.replace(/\?(zoom=[^&]+&)?/, '?'); } else { newSrc = img.src; var url_var = newSrc.match( /([?&]w=)(\d+)/ ); if ( url_var !== null && url_var[2] ) { newSrc = newSrc.replace( url_var[0], url_var[1] + img.width ); } url_var = newSrc.match( /([?&]h=)(\d+)/ ); if ( url_var !== null && url_var[2] ) { newSrc = newSrc.replace( url_var[0], url_var[1] + img.height ); } var zoom_arg = '&zoom=2'; if ( !newSrc.match( /\?/ ) ) { zoom_arg = '?zoom=2'; } img.setAttribute( 'srcset', newSrc + zoom_arg + ' ' + scale + 'x' ); } } // Scale static assets that have a name matching *-1x.png or *@1x.png else if ( img.src.match(/^https?:\/\/[^\/]+\/.*[-@]([12])x\.(gif|jpeg|jpg|png)(\?|$)/) ) { if ( this.hintsFor( "staticAssets" ) === true ) { return false; } // Fix width and height attributes to rendered dimensions. img.width = img.width; img.height = img.height; var currentSize = RegExp.$1, newSize = currentSize; if ( scale <= 1 ) newSize = 1; else newSize = 2; if ( currentSize != newSize ) newSrc = img.src.replace(/([-@])[12]x\.(gif|jpeg|jpg|png)(\?|$)/, '$1'+newSize+'x.$2$3'); } else { return false; } // Don't set img.src unless it has changed. This avoids unnecessary reloads. if ( newSrc != img.src ) { // Store the original img.src var prevSrc, origSrc = img.getAttribute("src-orig"); if ( !origSrc ) { origSrc = img.src; img.setAttribute("src-orig", origSrc); } // In case of error, revert img.src prevSrc = img.src; img.onerror = function(){ img.src = prevSrc; if ( img.getAttribute("scale-fail") < scale ) img.setAttribute("scale-fail", scale); img.onerror = null; }; // Finally load the new image img.src = newSrc; } return true; } }; wpcom_img_zoomer.init(); ; /** The MIT License Copyright (c) 2010 Daniel Park (http://metaweb.com, http://postmessage.freebaseapps.com) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. **/ var NO_JQUERY = {}; (function(window, $, undefined) { if (!("console" in window)) { var c = window.console = {}; c.log = c.warn = c.error = c.debug = function(){}; } if ($ === NO_JQUERY) { // jQuery is optional $ = { fn: {}, extend: function() { var a = arguments[0]; for (var i=1,len=arguments.length; i= 0 && element.offsetHeight >= 0 && element.style.display != "none" && elementOffset.top + elementSize.height > viewportOffset.top && elementOffset.top < viewportOffset.top + viewportSize.height && elementOffset.left + elementSize.width > viewportOffset.left && elementOffset.left < viewportOffset.left + viewportSize.width) { visiblePartX = (viewportOffset.left > elementOffset.left ? 'right' : (viewportOffset.left + viewportSize.width) < (elementOffset.left + elementSize.width) ? 'left' : 'both'); visiblePartY = (viewportOffset.top > elementOffset.top ? 'bottom' : (viewportOffset.top + viewportSize.height) < (elementOffset.top + elementSize.height) ? 'top' : 'both'); visiblePartsMerged = visiblePartX + "-" + visiblePartY; if (!inView || inView !== visiblePartsMerged) { $element.data('inview', visiblePartsMerged).trigger('inview', [true, visiblePartX, visiblePartY]); } } else if (inView) { $element.data('inview', false).trigger('inview', [false]); } } } } $(w).bind("scroll resize", function() { viewportSize = viewportOffset = null; }); // IE < 9 scrolls to focused elements without firing the "scroll" event if (!documentElement.addEventListener && documentElement.attachEvent) { documentElement.attachEvent("onfocusin", function() { viewportOffset = null; }); } // Use setInterval in order to also make sure this captures elements within // "overflow:scroll" elements or elements that appeared in the dom tree due to // dom manipulation and reflow // old: $(window).scroll(checkInView); // // By the way, iOS (iPad, iPhone, ...) seems to not execute, or at least delays // intervals while the user scrolls. Therefore the inview event might fire a bit late there setInterval(checkInView, 250); })(jQuery);; /* global Jetpack, JSON */ /** * Resizeable Iframes. * * Start listening to resize postMessage events for selected iframes: * $( selector ).Jetpack( 'resizeable' ); * - OR - * Jetpack.resizeable( 'on', context ); * * Resize selected iframes: * $( selector ).Jetpack( 'resizeable', 'resize', { width: 100, height: 200 } ); * - OR - * Jetpack.resizeable( 'resize', { width: 100, height: 200 }, context ); * * Stop listening to resize postMessage events for selected iframes: * $( selector ).Jetpack( 'resizeable', 'off' ); * - OR - * Jetpack.resizeable( 'off', context ); * * Stop listening to all resize postMessage events: * Jetpack.resizeable( 'off' ); */ ( function ( $ ) { var listening = false, // Are we listening for resize postMessage events sourceOrigins = [], // What origins are allowed to send resize postMessage events $sources = false, // What iframe elements are we tracking resize postMessage events from URLtoOrigin, // Utility to convert URLs into origins setupListener, // Binds global resize postMessage event handler destroyListener, // Unbinds global resize postMessage event handler methods; // Jetpack.resizeable methods // Setup the Jetpack global if ( 'undefined' === typeof window.Jetpack ) { window.Jetpack = { /** * Handles the two different calling methods: * $( selector ).Jetpack( 'namespace', 'method', context ) // here, context is optional and is used to filter the collection * - vs. - * Jetpack.namespace( 'method', context ) // here context defines the collection * * @internal * * Call as: Jetpack.getTarget.call( this, context ) * * @param string context: jQuery selector * @return jQuery|undefined object on which to perform operations or undefined when context cannot be determined */ getTarget: function ( context ) { if ( this instanceof jQuery ) { return context ? this.filter( context ) : this; } return context ? $( context ) : context; }, }; } // Setup the Jetpack jQuery method if ( 'undefined' === typeof $.fn.Jetpack ) { /** * Dispatches calls to the correct namespace * * @param string namespace * @param ... * @return mixed|jQuery (chainable) */ $.fn.Jetpack = function ( namespace ) { if ( 'function' === typeof Jetpack[ namespace ] ) { // Send the call to the correct Jetpack.namespace return Jetpack[ namespace ].apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ) ); } else { $.error( 'Namespace "' + namespace + '" does not exist on jQuery.Jetpack' ); } }; } // Define Jetpack.resizeable() namespace to just always bail if no postMessage if ( 'function' !== typeof window.postMessage ) { $.extend( window.Jetpack, { /** * Defines the Jetpack.resizeable() namespace. * See below for non-trivial definition for browsers with postMessage. */ resizeable: function () { $.error( 'Browser does not support window.postMessage' ); }, } ); return; } /** * Utility to convert URLs into origins * * http://example.com:port/path?query#fragment -> http://example.com:port * * @param string URL * @return string origin */ URLtoOrigin = function ( URL ) { if ( ! URL.match( /^https?:\/\// ) ) { URL = document.location.href; } return URL.split( '/' ).slice( 0, 3 ).join( '/' ); }; /** * Binds global resize postMessage event handler */ setupListener = function () { listening = true; $( window ).on( 'message.JetpackResizeableIframe', function ( e ) { var event = e.originalEvent, data; // Ensure origin is allowed if ( -1 === $.inArray( event.origin, sourceOrigins ) ) { return; } // Some browsers send structured data, some send JSON strings if ( 'object' === typeof event.data ) { data = event.data.data; } else { try { data = JSON.parse( event.data ); } catch ( err ) { data = false; } } if ( ! data.data ) { return; } // Un-nest data = data.data; // Is it a resize event? if ( 'undefined' === typeof data.action || 'resize' !== data.action ) { return; } // Find the correct iframe and resize it $sources .filter( function () { if ( 'undefined' !== typeof data.name ) { return this.name === data.name; } else { return event.source === this.contentWindow; } } ) .first() .Jetpack( 'resizeable', 'resize', data ); } ); }; /** * Unbinds global resize postMessage event handler */ destroyListener = function () { listening = false; $( window ).off( 'message.JetpackResizeableIframe' ); sourceOrigins = []; $( '.jetpack-resizeable' ).removeClass( 'jetpack-resizeable' ); $sources = false; }; // Methods for Jetpack.resizeable() namespace methods = { /** * Start listening for resize postMessage events on the given iframes * * Call statically as: Jetpack.resizeable( 'on', context ) * Call as: $( selector ).Jetpack( 'resizeable', 'on', context ) // context optional: used to filter the collectino * * @param string context jQuery selector. * @return jQuery (chainable) */ on: function ( context ) { var target = Jetpack.getTarget.call( this, context ); if ( ! listening ) { setupListener(); } target .each( function () { sourceOrigins.push( URLtoOrigin( $( this ).attr( 'src' ) ) ); } ) .addClass( 'jetpack-resizeable' ); $sources = $( '.jetpack-resizeable' ); return target; }, /** * Stop listening for resize postMessage events on the given iframes * * Call statically as: Jetpack.resizeable( 'off', context ) * Call as: $( selector ).Jetpack( 'resizeable', 'off', context ) // context optional: used to filter the collectino * * @param string context jQuery selector * @return jQuery (chainable) */ off: function ( context ) { var target = Jetpack.getTarget.call( this, context ); if ( 'undefined' === typeof target ) { destroyListener(); return target; } target .each( function () { var origin = URLtoOrigin( $( this ).attr( 'src' ) ), pos = $.inArray( origin, sourceOrigins ); if ( -1 !== pos ) { sourceOrigins.splice( pos, 1 ); } } ) .removeClass( 'jetpack-resizeable' ); $sources = $( '.jetpack-resizeable' ); return target; }, /** * Resize the given iframes * * Call statically as: Jetpack.resizeable( 'resize', dimensions, context ) * Call as: $( selector ).Jetpack( 'resizeable', 'resize', dimensions, context ) // context optional: used to filter the collectino * * @param object dimensions in pixels: { width: (int), height: (int) } * @param string context jQuery selector * @return jQuery (chainable) */ resize: function ( dimensions, context ) { var target = Jetpack.getTarget.call( this, context ); $.each( [ 'width', 'height' ], function ( i, variable ) { var value = 0, container; if ( 'undefined' !== typeof dimensions[ variable ] ) { value = parseInt( dimensions[ variable ], 10 ); } if ( 0 !== value ) { target[ variable ]( value ); container = target.parent(); if ( container.hasClass( 'slim-likes-widget' ) ) { container[ variable ]( value ); } } } ); return target; }, }; // Define Jetpack.resizeable() namespace $.extend( window.Jetpack, { /** * Defines the Jetpack.resizeable() namespace. * See above for trivial definition for browsers with no postMessage. * * @param string method * @param ... * @return mixed|jQuery (chainable) */ resizeable: function ( method ) { if ( methods[ method ] ) { // Send the call to the correct Jetpack.resizeable() method return methods[ method ].apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ) ); } else if ( ! method ) { // By default, send to Jetpack.resizeable( 'on' ), which isn't useful in that form but is when called as // jQuery( selector ).Jetpack( 'resizeable' ) return methods.on.apply( this ); } else { $.error( 'Method ' + method + ' does not exist on Jetpack.resizeable' ); } }, } ); } )( jQuery ); ; /* global pm, wpcom_reblog */ var jetpackLikesWidgetQueue = []; var jetpackLikesWidgetBatch = []; var jetpackLikesMasterReady = false; function JetpackLikespostMessage( message, target ) { if ( 'string' === typeof message ){ try { message = JSON.parse( message ); } catch(e) { return; } } pm( { target: target, type: 'likesMessage', data: message, origin: '*' } ); } function JetpackLikesBatchHandler() { var requests = []; jQuery( 'div.jetpack-likes-widget-unloaded' ).each( function() { if ( jetpackLikesWidgetBatch.indexOf( this.id ) > -1 ) { return; } jetpackLikesWidgetBatch.push( this.id ); var regex = /like-(post|comment)-wrapper-(\d+)-(\d+)-(\w+)/, match = regex.exec( this.id ), info; if ( ! match || match.length !== 5 ) { return; } info = { blog_id: match[2], width: this.width }; if ( 'post' === match[1] ) { info.post_id = match[3]; } else if ( 'comment' === match[1] ) { info.comment_id = match[3]; } info.obj_id = match[4]; requests.push( info ); }); if ( requests.length > 0 ) { JetpackLikespostMessage( { event: 'initialBatch', requests: requests }, window.frames['likes-master'] ); } } function JetpackLikesMessageListener( event, message ) { var allowedOrigin, $container, $list, offset, rowLength, height, scrollbarWidth; if ( 'undefined' === typeof event.event ) { return; } // We only allow messages from one origin allowedOrigin = window.location.protocol + '//widgets.wp.com'; if ( allowedOrigin !== message.origin ) { return; } if ( 'masterReady' === event.event ) { jQuery( document ).ready( function() { jetpackLikesMasterReady = true; var stylesData = { event: 'injectStyles' }, $sdTextColor = jQuery( '.sd-text-color' ), $sdLinkColor = jQuery( '.sd-link-color' ); if ( jQuery( 'iframe.admin-bar-likes-widget' ).length > 0 ) { JetpackLikespostMessage( { event: 'adminBarEnabled' }, window.frames[ 'likes-master' ] ); stylesData.adminBarStyles = { background: jQuery( '#wpadminbar .quicklinks li#wp-admin-bar-wpl-like > a' ).css( 'background' ), isRtl: ( 'rtl' === jQuery( '#wpadminbar' ).css( 'direction' ) ) }; } // enable reblogs if we're on a single post page if ( jQuery( 'body' ).hasClass( 'single' ) ) { JetpackLikespostMessage( { event: 'reblogsEnabled' }, window.frames[ 'likes-master' ] ); } if ( ! window.addEventListener ) { jQuery( '#wp-admin-bar-admin-bar-likes-widget' ).hide(); } stylesData.textStyles = { color: $sdTextColor.css( 'color' ), fontFamily: $sdTextColor.css( 'font-family' ), fontSize: $sdTextColor.css( 'font-size' ), direction: $sdTextColor.css( 'direction' ), fontWeight: $sdTextColor.css( 'font-weight' ), fontStyle: $sdTextColor.css( 'font-style' ), textDecoration: $sdTextColor.css('text-decoration') }; stylesData.linkStyles = { color: $sdLinkColor.css('color'), fontFamily: $sdLinkColor.css('font-family'), fontSize: $sdLinkColor.css('font-size'), textDecoration: $sdLinkColor.css('text-decoration'), fontWeight: $sdLinkColor.css( 'font-weight' ), fontStyle: $sdLinkColor.css( 'font-style' ) }; JetpackLikespostMessage( stylesData, window.frames[ 'likes-master' ] ); JetpackLikesBatchHandler(); jQuery( document ).on( 'inview', 'div.jetpack-likes-widget-unloaded', function() { jetpackLikesWidgetQueue.push( this.id ); }); }); } if ( 'showLikeWidget' === event.event ) { jQuery( '#' + event.id + ' .post-likes-widget-placeholder' ).fadeOut( 'fast', function() { jQuery( '#' + event.id + ' .post-likes-widget' ).fadeIn( 'fast', function() { JetpackLikespostMessage( { event: 'likeWidgetDisplayed', blog_id: event.blog_id, post_id: event.post_id, obj_id: event.obj_id }, window.frames['likes-master'] ); }); }); } if ( 'clickReblogFlair' === event.event ) { wpcom_reblog.toggle_reblog_box_flair( event.obj_id ); } if ( 'showOtherGravatars' === event.event ) { $container = jQuery( '#likes-other-gravatars' ); $list = $container.find( 'ul' ); $container.hide(); $list.html( '' ); $container.find( '.likes-text span' ).text( event.total ); jQuery.each( event.likers, function( i, liker ) { var element = jQuery( '
  • ' ); element.addClass( liker.css_class ); element.find( 'a' ). attr({ href: liker.profile_URL, rel: 'nofollow', target: '_parent' }). addClass( 'wpl-liker' ); element.find( 'img' ). attr({ src: liker.avatar_URL, alt: liker.name }). css({ width: '30px', height: '30px', paddingRight: '3px' }); $list.append( element ); } ); offset = jQuery( '[name=\'' + event.parent + '\']' ).offset(); $container.css( 'left', offset.left + event.position.left - 10 + 'px' ); $container.css( 'top', offset.top + event.position.top - 33 + 'px' ); rowLength = Math.floor( event.width / 37 ); height = ( Math.ceil( event.likers.length / rowLength ) * 37 ) + 13; if ( height > 204 ) { height = 204; } $container.css( 'height', height + 'px' ); $container.css( 'width', rowLength * 37 - 7 + 'px' ); $list.css( 'width', rowLength * 37 + 'px' ); $container.fadeIn( 'slow' ); scrollbarWidth = $list[0].offsetWidth - $list[0].clientWidth; if ( scrollbarWidth > 0 ) { $container.width( $container.width() + scrollbarWidth ); $list.width( $list.width() + scrollbarWidth ); } } } pm.bind( 'likesMessage', JetpackLikesMessageListener ); jQuery( document ).click( function( e ) { var $container = jQuery( '#likes-other-gravatars' ); if ( $container.has( e.target ).length === 0 ) { $container.fadeOut( 'slow' ); } }); function JetpackLikesWidgetQueueHandler() { var $wrapper, wrapperID, found; if ( ! jetpackLikesMasterReady ) { setTimeout( JetpackLikesWidgetQueueHandler, 500 ); return; } if ( jetpackLikesWidgetQueue.length > 0 ) { // We may have a widget that needs creating now found = false; while( jetpackLikesWidgetQueue.length > 0 ) { // Grab the first member of the queue that isn't already loading. wrapperID = jetpackLikesWidgetQueue.splice( 0, 1 )[0]; if ( jQuery( '#' + wrapperID ).hasClass( 'jetpack-likes-widget-unloaded' ) ) { found = true; break; } } if ( ! found ) { setTimeout( JetpackLikesWidgetQueueHandler, 500 ); return; } } else if ( jQuery( 'div.jetpack-likes-widget-unloaded' ).length > 0 ) { // Grab any unloaded widgets for a batch request JetpackLikesBatchHandler(); // Get the next unloaded widget wrapperID = jQuery( 'div.jetpack-likes-widget-unloaded' ).first()[0].id; if ( ! wrapperID ) { // Everything is currently loaded setTimeout( JetpackLikesWidgetQueueHandler, 500 ); return; } } if ( 'undefined' === typeof wrapperID ) { setTimeout( JetpackLikesWidgetQueueHandler, 500 ); return; } $wrapper = jQuery( '#' + wrapperID ); $wrapper.find( 'iframe' ).remove(); if ( $wrapper.hasClass( 'slim-likes-widget' ) ) { $wrapper.find( '.post-likes-widget-placeholder' ).after( '' ); } else { $wrapper.find( '.post-likes-widget-placeholder' ).after( '' ); } $wrapper.removeClass( 'jetpack-likes-widget-unloaded' ).addClass( 'jetpack-likes-widget-loading' ); $wrapper.find( 'iframe' ).load( function( e ) { var $iframe = jQuery( e.target ); $wrapper.removeClass( 'jetpack-likes-widget-loading' ).addClass( 'jetpack-likes-widget-loaded' ); JetpackLikespostMessage( { event: 'loadLikeWidget', name: $iframe.attr( 'name' ), width: $iframe.width(), domain: window.location.hostname }, window.frames[ 'likes-master' ] ); if ( $wrapper.hasClass( 'slim-likes-widget' ) ) { $wrapper.find( 'iframe' ).Jetpack( 'resizeable' ); } }); setTimeout( JetpackLikesWidgetQueueHandler, 250 ); } JetpackLikesWidgetQueueHandler(); ; /* * Swipe 2.0 * * Brad Birdsall * Copyright 2013, MIT License * */ function Swipe(container, options) { "use strict"; // utilities var noop = function() {}; // simple no operation function var offloadFn = function(fn) { setTimeout(fn || noop, 0) }; // offload a functions execution // check browser capabilities var browser = { addEventListener: !!window.addEventListener, touch: ('ontouchstart' in window) || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch, transitions: (function(temp) { var props = ['transitionProperty', 'WebkitTransition', 'MozTransition', 'OTransition', 'msTransition']; for ( var i in props ) if (temp.style[ props[i] ] !== undefined) return true; return false; })(document.createElement('swipe')) }; // quit if no root element if (!container) return; var element = container.children[0]; var slides, slidePos, width, length; options = options || {}; var index = parseInt(options.startSlide, 10) || 0; var speed = options.speed || 300; options.continuous = options.continuous !== undefined ? options.continuous : true; function setup() { // cache slides slides = element.children; length = slides.length; // set continuous to false if only one slide if (slides.length < 2) options.continuous = false; //special case if two slides if (browser.transitions && options.continuous && slides.length < 3) { element.appendChild(slides[0].cloneNode(true)); element.appendChild(element.children[1].cloneNode(true)); slides = element.children; } // create an array to store current positions of each slide slidePos = new Array(slides.length); // determine width of each slide width = container.getBoundingClientRect().width || container.offsetWidth; element.style.width = (slides.length * width) + 'px'; // stack elements var pos = slides.length; while(pos--) { var slide = slides[pos]; slide.style.width = width + 'px'; slide.setAttribute('data-index', pos); if (browser.transitions) { slide.style.left = (pos * -width) + 'px'; move(pos, index > pos ? -width : (index < pos ? width : 0), 0); } } // reposition elements before and after index if (options.continuous && browser.transitions) { move(circle(index-1), -width, 0); move(circle(index+1), width, 0); } if (!browser.transitions) element.style.left = (index * -width) + 'px'; container.style.visibility = 'visible'; } function prev() { if (options.continuous) slide(index-1); else if (index) slide(index-1); } function next() { if (options.continuous) slide(index+1); else if (index < slides.length - 1) slide(index+1); } function circle(index) { // a simple positive modulo using slides.length return (slides.length + (index % slides.length)) % slides.length; } function slide(to, slideSpeed) { // do nothing if already on requested slide if (index == to) return; if (browser.transitions) { var direction = Math.abs(index-to) / (index-to); // 1: backward, -1: forward // get the actual position of the slide if (options.continuous) { var natural_direction = direction; direction = -slidePos[circle(to)] / width; // if going forward but to < index, use to = slides.length + to // if going backward but to > index, use to = -slides.length + to if (direction !== natural_direction) to = -direction * slides.length + to; } var diff = Math.abs(index-to) - 1; // move all the slides between index and to in the right direction while (diff--) move( circle((to > index ? to : index) - diff - 1), width * direction, 0); to = circle(to); move(index, width * direction, slideSpeed || speed); move(to, 0, slideSpeed || speed); if (options.continuous) move(circle(to - direction), -(width * direction), 0); // we need to get the next in place } else { to = circle(to); animate(index * -width, to * -width, slideSpeed || speed); //no fallback for a circular continuous if the browser does not accept transitions } index = to; offloadFn(options.callback && options.callback(index, slides[index])); } function move(index, dist, speed) { translate(index, dist, speed); slidePos[index] = dist; } function translate(index, dist, speed) { var slide = slides[index]; var style = slide && slide.style; if (!style) return; style.webkitTransitionDuration = style.MozTransitionDuration = style.msTransitionDuration = style.OTransitionDuration = style.transitionDuration = speed + 'ms'; style.webkitTransform = 'translate(' + dist + 'px,0)' + 'translateZ(0)'; style.msTransform = style.MozTransform = style.OTransform = 'translateX(' + dist + 'px)'; } function animate(from, to, speed) { // if not an animation, just reposition if (!speed) { element.style.left = to + 'px'; return; } var start = +new Date; var timer = setInterval(function() { var timeElap = +new Date - start; if (timeElap > speed) { element.style.left = to + 'px'; if (delay) begin(); options.transitionEnd && options.transitionEnd.call(event, index, slides[index]); clearInterval(timer); return; } element.style.left = (( (to - from) * (Math.floor((timeElap / speed) * 100) / 100) ) + from) + 'px'; }, 4); } // setup auto slideshow var delay = options.auto || 0; var interval; function begin() { interval = setTimeout(next, delay); } function stop() { delay = 0; clearTimeout(interval); } // setup initial vars var start = {}; var delta = {}; var isScrolling; // setup event capturing var events = { handleEvent: function(event) { switch (event.type) { case 'touchstart': this.start(event); break; case 'touchmove': this.move(event); break; case 'touchend': offloadFn(this.end(event)); break; case 'webkitTransitionEnd': case 'msTransitionEnd': case 'oTransitionEnd': case 'otransitionend': case 'transitionend': offloadFn(this.transitionEnd(event)); break; case 'resize': offloadFn(setup.call()); break; } if (options.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); }, start: function(event) { var touches = event.touches[0]; // measure start values start = { // get initial touch coords x: touches.pageX, y: touches.pageY, // store time to determine touch duration time: +new Date }; // used for testing first move event isScrolling = undefined; // reset delta and end measurements delta = {}; // attach touchmove and touchend listeners element.addEventListener('touchmove', this, false); element.addEventListener('touchend', this, false); }, move: function(event) { // ensure swiping with one touch and not pinching if ( event.touches.length > 1 || event.scale && event.scale !== 1) return if (options.disableScroll) event.preventDefault(); var touches = event.touches[0]; // measure change in x and y delta = { x: touches.pageX - start.x, y: touches.pageY - start.y } // determine if scrolling test has run - one time test if ( typeof isScrolling == 'undefined') { isScrolling = !!( isScrolling || Math.abs(delta.x) < Math.abs(delta.y) ); } // if user is not trying to scroll vertically if (!isScrolling) { // prevent native scrolling event.preventDefault(); // stop slideshow stop(); // increase resistance if first or last slide if (options.continuous) { // we don't add resistance at the end translate(circle(index-1), delta.x + slidePos[circle(index-1)], 0); translate(index, delta.x + slidePos[index], 0); translate(circle(index+1), delta.x + slidePos[circle(index+1)], 0); } else { delta.x = delta.x / ( (!index && delta.x > 0 // if first slide and sliding left || index == slides.length - 1 // or if last slide and sliding right && delta.x < 0 // and if sliding at all ) ? ( Math.abs(delta.x) / width + 1 ) // determine resistance level : 1 ); // no resistance if false // translate 1:1 translate(index-1, delta.x + slidePos[index-1], 0); translate(index, delta.x + slidePos[index], 0); translate(index+1, delta.x + slidePos[index+1], 0); } } }, end: function(event) { // measure duration var duration = +new Date - start.time; // determine if slide attempt triggers next/prev slide var isValidSlide = Number(duration) < 250 // if slide duration is less than 250ms && Math.abs(delta.x) > 20 // and if slide amt is greater than 20px || Math.abs(delta.x) > width/2; // or if slide amt is greater than half the width // determine if slide attempt is past start and end var isPastBounds = !index && delta.x > 0 // if first slide and slide amt is greater than 0 || index == slides.length - 1 && delta.x < 0; // or if last slide and slide amt is less than 0 if (options.continuous) isPastBounds = false; // determine direction of swipe (true:right, false:left) var direction = delta.x < 0; // if not scrolling vertically if (!isScrolling) { if (isValidSlide && !isPastBounds) { if (direction) { if (options.continuous) { // we need to get the next in this direction in place move(circle(index-1), -width, 0); move(circle(index+2), width, 0); } else { move(index-1, -width, 0); } move(index, slidePos[index]-width, speed); move(circle(index+1), slidePos[circle(index+1)]-width, speed); index = circle(index+1); } else { if (options.continuous) { // we need to get the next in this direction in place move(circle(index+1), width, 0); move(circle(index-2), -width, 0); } else { move(index+1, width, 0); } move(index, slidePos[index]+width, speed); move(circle(index-1), slidePos[circle(index-1)]+width, speed); index = circle(index-1); } options.callback && options.callback(index, slides[index]); } else { if (options.continuous) { move(circle(index-1), -width, speed); move(index, 0, speed); move(circle(index+1), width, speed); } else { move(index-1, -width, speed); move(index, 0, speed); move(index+1, width, speed); } } } // kill touchmove and touchend event listeners until touchstart called again element.removeEventListener('touchmove', events, false) element.removeEventListener('touchend', events, false) }, transitionEnd: function(event) { if (parseInt(event.target.getAttribute('data-index'), 10) == index) { if (delay) begin(); options.transitionEnd && options.transitionEnd.call(event, index, slides[index]); } } } // trigger setup setup(); // start auto slideshow if applicable if (delay) begin(); // add event listeners if (browser.addEventListener) { // set touchstart event on element if (browser.touch) element.addEventListener('touchstart', events, false); if (browser.transitions) { element.addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', events, false); element.addEventListener('msTransitionEnd', events, false); element.addEventListener('oTransitionEnd', events, false); element.addEventListener('otransitionend', events, false); element.addEventListener('transitionend', events, false); } // set resize event on window window.addEventListener('resize', events, false); } else { window.onresize = function () { setup() }; // to play nice with old IE } // expose the Swipe API return { setup: function() { setup(); }, slide: function(to, speed) { // cancel slideshow stop(); slide(to, speed); }, prev: function() { // cancel slideshow stop(); prev(); }, next: function() { // cancel slideshow stop(); next(); }, getPos: function() { // return current index position return index; }, getNumSlides: function() { // return total number of slides return length; }, kill: function() { // cancel slideshow stop(); // reset element element.style.width = 'auto'; element.style.left = 0; // reset slides var pos = slides.length; while(pos--) { var slide = slides[pos]; slide.style.width = '100%'; slide.style.left = 0; if (browser.transitions) translate(pos, 0, 0); } // removed event listeners if (browser.addEventListener) { // remove current event listeners element.removeEventListener('touchstart', events, false); element.removeEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', events, false); element.removeEventListener('msTransitionEnd', events, false); element.removeEventListener('oTransitionEnd', events, false); element.removeEventListener('otransitionend', events, false); element.removeEventListener('transitionend', events, false); window.removeEventListener('resize', events, false); } else { window.onresize = null; } } } } if ( window.jQuery || window.Zepto ) { (function($) { $.fn.Swipe = function(params) { return this.each(function() { $(this).data('Swipe', new Swipe($(this)[0], params)); }); } })( window.jQuery || window.Zepto ) } ; /** * Comment Likes - JavaScript * * This handles liking and unliking comments, as well as viewing who has * liked a particular comment. * * @dependency jQuery * @dependency Swipe * * @package Comment_Likes * @subpackage JavaScript */ jQuery( function() { var $ = jQuery; var extWin; var extWinCheck; var commentLikeEvent; // The O2 theme re-injects this script into the DOM when somebody // creates a new thread and the page is already open, but we don't // want to run this script a second time. if ( window.comment_likes_loaded ) return; window.comment_likes_loaded = true; // Client-side cache of who liked a particular comment to avoid // having to hit the server multiple times for the same data. var comment_like_cache = {}; /** * Parse the comment ID from a comment like link. */ var get_comment_id = function( $link ) { var comment_id = $link.attr( 'href' ).split( 'like_comment=' ); return comment_id[1].split( '&_wpnonce=' )[0]; }; /** * Handle an ajax action on the comment like link. */ var handle_link_action = function( $link, action, comment_id, callback ) { var nonce = $link.attr( 'href' ).split( '_wpnonce=' )[1]; $.post( '/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php', { 'action': action, '_wpnonce': nonce, 'like_comment': comment_id, 'blog_id': Number( $link.data( 'blog' ) ) }, callback, 'json' ); }; // Overlay used for displaying comment like info. var overlay = { // Overlay element. $el: $( '
    ' ) .appendTo( 'body' ) .addClass( 'comment-likes-overlay' ) .hide() .mouseenter( function() { // Don't hide the overlay if the user is mousing over it. overlay.cancel_hide(); } ).mouseleave( function() { overlay.request_hide(); } ), // Inner contents of overlay. $inner: null, // Instance of the Swipe library. swipe: null, // Initialise the overlay for use, removing any old content. clear: function() { // Unload any previous instance of Swipe (to avoid leaking a global // event handler). This is done before clearing the contents of the // overlay because Swipe expects the slides to still be present. if ( this.swipe ) { this.swipe.kill(); this.swipe = null; } this.$el.html( '' ); this.$inner = $( '
    ' ).addClass( 'inner' ).appendTo( this.$el ); }, /** * Construct a list (
      ) of user (gravatar, name) details. * * @param data liker data returned from the server * @param klass CSS class to apply to the
        element * @param start index of user to start at * @param length number of users to include in the list * * @return HTML for the list */ get_user_bits: function( data, klass, start, length ) { start = start || 0; var last = start + ( length || data.length ); last = ( last > data.length ) ? data.length : last; var html = '
        '; return html; }, /** * Render the display of who has liked this comment. The type of * display depends on how many people have liked the comment. * If more than 10 people have liked the comment, this function * renders navigation controls and sets up the Swipe library for * changing between pages. * * @param link the element over which the user is hovering * @param data the results retrieved from the server */ show_likes: function( $link, data ) { this.clear(); $link.data( 'likeCount', data.length ); if ( 0 === data.length ) { // No likers after all. return this.$el.hide(); } this.$inner.css( 'padding', 12 ); if ( data.length < 6 ) { // Only one column needed. this.$inner.css( 'max-width', 200 ); this.$inner.html( this.get_user_bits( data, 'single' ) ); } else if ( data.length < 11 ) { // Two columns, but only one page. this.$inner.html( this.get_user_bits( data, 'double' ) ); } else { // Multiple pages. this.render_likes_with_pagination( data ); } // Move the overlay into the correct position and then show it. this.set_position( $link ); }, /** * Render multiple pages of likes with pagination controls. * This function is intended to be called by `show_likes` above. * * @param data the results retrieved from the server */ render_likes_with_pagination: function( data ) { var page_count = Math.ceil( data.length / 10 ); // Swipe requires two nested containers. var $swipe = $( '
        ' ).addClass( 'swipe' ).appendTo( this.$inner ); var $div = $( '
        ' ).addClass( 'swipe-wrap' ).appendTo( $swipe ); for ( var i = 0; i < page_count; ++i ) { $( this.get_user_bits( data, 'double', i * 10, 10 ) ).appendTo( $div ); } /** Navigation controls. * This is based on the Newdash controls found in * reader/recommendations-templates.php */ var nav_html = ''; var $nav = $( nav_html ).appendTo( this.$inner ); /** Set up Swipe. **/ // Swipe cannot be set up successfully unless its container // is visible, so we show it now. this.$el.show(); var swipe = this.swipe = new Swipe( $swipe[0], { callback: function( pos ) { // Update the pagination indicators. // // If there are exactly two pages, Swipe has a weird // special case where it duplicates both pages and // can return index 2 and 3 even though those aren't // real pages (see swipe.js, line 47). To deal with // this, we use the expression `pos % page_count`. pos = pos % page_count; $nav.find( 'em' ).each( function() { var page = Number( $( this ).data( 'page' ) ); $( this ).attr( 'class', ( pos === page ) ? 'on' : '' ); } ); } } ); $nav.find( 'em' ).on( 'click', function( $e ) { // Go to the page corresponding to the indicator clicked. swipe.slide( Number( $( this ).data( 'page' ) ) ); $e.preventDefault(); } ); // Previous and next buttons. $nav.find( '.prev' ).on( 'click', function( $e ) { swipe.prev(); $e.preventDefault(); } ); $nav.find( '.next' ).on( 'click', function( $e ) { swipe.next(); $e.preventDefault(); } ); }, /** * Open the overlay and show a loading message. */ show_loading_message: function( $link ) { this.clear(); this.$inner.text( comment_like_text.loading ); this.set_position( $link ); }, /** * Position the overlay near the current comment. * * @param $link element near which to position the overlay */ set_position: function( $link ) { // Prepare a down arrow icon for the bottom of the overlay. var $icon = $( '' ) .appendTo( this.$el ) .addClass( 'icon noticon noticon-downarrow' ) .css( 'text-shadow', '0px 1px 1px rgb(223, 223, 223)' ); var offset = $link.offset(); var left = offset.left - ( this.$el.width() - $link.width() ) / 2; left = left < 5 ? 5 : left; var top = offset.top - this.$el.height() + 5; // Check if the overlay would appear off the screen. if ( top < ( $( window ).scrollTop() + ( $( '#wpadminbar' ).height() || 0 ) ) ) { // We'll display the overlay beneath the link instead. top = offset.top + $link.height(); // Instead of using the down arrow icon, use an up arrow. $icon.remove().prependTo( this.$el ) .removeClass( 'noticon-downarrow') .addClass( 'noticon-uparrow' ) .css( { 'text-shadow': '0px -1px 1px rgb(223, 223, 223)', 'vertical-align': 'bottom' } ); } this.$el.css( { 'left': left, 'top': top } ).show(); $icon.css( { // The height of the arrow icon differs slightly between browsers, // so we compute the margin here to make sure it isn't disjointed // from the overlay. 'margin-top': $icon[0].scrollHeight - 26, 'margin-bottom': 20 - $icon[0].scrollHeight, // Position the arrow to be horizontally centred on the link. 'padding-left': offset.left - left + ( $link.width() - $icon[0].scrollWidth ) / 2 } ); }, /** * Return whether the overlay is visible. */ is_visible: function() { return ( 'none' !== this.$el.css( 'display' ) ); }, // Timeout used for hiding the overlay. hide_timeout: null, /** * Request that the overlay be hidden after a short delay. */ request_hide: function() { if ( null !== this.hide_timeout ) { return; } var self = this; this.hide_timeout = setTimeout( function() { self.$el.hide(); self.clear(); }, 300 ); }, /** * Cancel a request to hide the overlay. */ cancel_hide: function() { if ( null !== this.hide_timeout ) { clearTimeout( this.hide_timeout ); this.hide_timeout = null; } } }; // The most recent comment for which the user has requested to see // who liked it. var relevant_comment; // Precache after this timeout. var precache_timeout = null; /** * Fetch the like data for a particular comment. */ var fetch_like_data = function( $link, comment_id ) { comment_like_cache[ comment_id ] = null; var $star = $link.parent().parent().find( 'a.comment-like-link' ); handle_link_action( $star, 'view_comment_likes', comment_id, function( data ) { // Populate the cache. comment_like_cache[ comment_id ] = data; // Only show the overlay if the user is interested. if ( overlay.is_visible() && ( relevant_comment === comment_id ) ) { overlay.show_likes( $link, data ); } } ); }; function readCookie( c ) { var nameEQ = c + '=', cookieStrings = document.cookie.split( ';' ), i, cookieString, num, chunk, pairs, pair, cookie_data; for ( i = 0; i < cookieStrings.length; i++ ) { cookieString = cookieStrings[ i ]; while ( cookieString.charAt( 0 ) === ' ' ) { cookieString = cookieString.substring( 1, cookieString.length ); } if ( cookieString.indexOf( nameEQ ) === 0 ) { chunk = cookieString.substring( nameEQ.length, cookieString.length ); pairs = chunk.split( '&' ); cookie_data = {}; for ( num = pairs.length - 1; num >= 0; num-- ) { pair = pairs[ num ].split( '=' ); cookie_data[ pair[0] ] = decodeURIComponent( pair[1] ); } return cookie_data; } } return null; } function getServiceData() { var data = readCookie( 'wpc_wpc' ); if ( null === data || 'undefined' === typeof data.access_token || ! data.access_token ) { return false; } return data; } function readMessage( event ) { if ( 'undefined' == typeof event.event ) { return; } if ( 'login' == event.event && event.success ) { extWinCheck = setInterval( function() { if ( ! extWin || extWin.closed ) { clearInterval( extWinCheck ); if ( getServiceData() ) { // Load page in an iframe to get the current comment nonce var nonceIframe = document.createElement( 'iframe' ); nonceIframe.id = 'wp-login-comment-nonce-iframe'; nonceIframe.style.display = 'none'; nonceIframe.src = commentLikeEvent + ''; document.body.appendChild( nonceIframe ); var commentLikeId = ( commentLikeEvent + '' ).split( 'like_comment=' )[1].split( '&_wpnonce=' )[0]; var c = false; // Set a 5 second timeout to redirect to the comment page without doing the Like as a fallback var commentLikeTimeout = setTimeout( function() { window.location = commentLikeEvent; }, 5000 ); // Check for a new nonced redirect and use that if available before timing out var commentLikeCheck = setInterval( function() { c = $( '#wp-login-comment-nonce-iframe' ).contents().find( '#comment-like-' + commentLikeId + ' .comment-like-link' ); if ( 'undefined' !== typeof c && 'undefined' !== typeof c[0] && 'undefined' !== typeof c[0].href ) { clearTimeout( commentLikeTimeout ); clearInterval( commentLikeCheck ); window.location = c[0].href; } }, 100 ); } } }, 100 ); if ( extWin ) { if ( ! extWin.closed ) { extWin.close(); } extWin = false; } $( '#wp-login-polling-iframe' ).remove(); } } if ( 'undefined' != typeof window.pm ) { pm.bind( 'loginMessage', function( e ) { readMessage( e ); } ); } $( 'body' ).on( 'click', 'a.comment-like-link', function( $e ) { if ( $( $e.target ).hasClass( 'needs-login' ) ) { $e.preventDefault(); commentLikeEvent = $e.target; if ( extWin ) { if ( ! extWin.closed ) { extWin.close(); } extWin = false; } $( '#wp-login-polling-iframe' ).remove(); var url = 'https://wordpress.com/public.api/connect/?action=request&service=wordpress'; extWin = window.open( url, 'likeconn', 'status=0,toolbar=0,location=1,menubar=0,directories=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,height=560,width=500' ); // Append cookie polling login iframe to this window to wait for user to finish logging in (or cancel) var loginIframe = $( "" ); loginIframe.attr( "src", "https://wordpress.com/public.api/connect/?iframe=true" ); loginIframe.css( "display", "none" ); $( document.body ).append( loginIframe ); return false; } // Record that the user likes or does not like this comment. var $star = $( this ); var comment_id = get_comment_id( $star ); $star.addClass( 'loading' ); // Determine whether to like or unlike based on whether the comment is // currently liked. var action = ( $( 'p#comment-like-' + comment_id ).data( 'liked' ) === 'comment-liked' ) ? 'unlike_comment' : 'like_comment'; handle_link_action( $star, action, comment_id, function( data ) { // Invalidate the like cache for this comment. delete comment_like_cache[ comment_id ]; $( '#comment-like-count-' + data.context ).html( data.display ); if ( 'like_comment' === action ) { $( 'p#comment-like-' + data.context ).removeClass( 'comment-not-liked' ) .addClass( 'comment-liked' ) .data( 'liked', 'comment-liked' ); } else { $( 'p#comment-like-' + data.context ).removeClass( 'comment-liked' ) .addClass( 'comment-not-liked' ) .data( 'liked', 'comment-not-liked' ); } // Prefetch new data for this comment (if there are likers left). var $link = $star.parent().find( 'a.view-likers' ); if ( 0 !== $link.length ) { fetch_like_data( $link, comment_id ); } $star.removeClass( 'loading' ); } ); $e.preventDefault(); $e.stopPropagation(); } ).on( 'click', 'p.comment-not-liked', function() { // When a comment hasn't been liked, make the text clickable, too $( this ).find( 'a.comment-like-link' ).click(); } ).on( 'mouseenter', 'p.comment-likes a.view-likers', function() { // Show the user a list of who has liked this comment. var $link = $( this ); if ( 0 === Number( $link.data( 'likeCount' ) || 0 ) ) { // No one has liked this comment. return; } // Don't hide the overlay. overlay.cancel_hide(); // Get the comment ID. var $star = $link.parent().parent().find( 'a.comment-like-link' ); var comment_id = relevant_comment = get_comment_id( $star ); // Check if the list of likes for this comment is already in // the cache. if ( comment_id in comment_like_cache ) { var entry = comment_like_cache[ comment_id ]; // Only display the likes if the ajax request is // actually done. if ( null !== entry ) { overlay.show_likes( $link, entry ); } else { // Make sure the overlay is visible (in case // the user moved the mouse away while loading // but then came back before it finished // loading). overlay.show_loading_message( $link ); } return; } // Position the "Loading..." overlay. overlay.show_loading_message( $link ); // Fetch the data. fetch_like_data( $link, comment_id ); } ).on( 'mouseleave', 'p.comment-likes a.view-likers', function() { // User has moved cursor away - hide the overlay. overlay.request_hide(); } ).on( 'click', 'p.comment-likes a.view-likers', function( $e ) { // Don't do anything when clicking on the text. $e.preventDefault(); } ).on( 'mouseenter', '.comment:has(a.comment-like-link)', function() { // User is moving over a comment - precache the comment like data. if ( null !== precache_timeout ) { clearTimeout( precache_timeout ); precache_timeout = null; } var $star = $( this ).find( 'a.comment-like-link' ); var $link = $star.parent().find( 'a.view-likers' ); if ( 0 === Number( $link.data( 'likeCount' ) || 0 ) ) { // No likes. return; } var comment_id = get_comment_id( $star ); if ( comment_id in comment_like_cache ) { // Already in cache. return; } precache_timeout = setTimeout( function() { precache_timeout = null; if ( comment_id in comment_like_cache ) { // Was cached in the interim. return; } fetch_like_data( $link, comment_id ); }, 1000 ); } ); } ); ; !function(e){var t={};function n(o){if(t[o])return t[o].exports;var c=t[o]={i:o,l:!1,exports:{}};return e[o].call(c.exports,c,c.exports,n),c.l=!0,c.exports}n.m=e,n.c=t,n.d=function(e,t,o){n.o(e,t)||Object.defineProperty(e,t,{enumerable:!0,get:o})},n.r=function(e){"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(e,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})},n.t=function(e,t){if(1&t&&(e=n(e)),8&t)return e;if(4&t&&"object"==typeof e&&e&&e.__esModule)return e;var o=Object.create(null);if(n.r(o),Object.defineProperty(o,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:e}),2&t&&"string"!=typeof e)for(var c in e)n.d(o,c,function(t){return e[t]}.bind(null,c));return o},n.n=function(e){var t=e&&e.__esModule?function(){return e.default}:function(){return e};return n.d(t,"a",t),t},n.o=function(e,t){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,t)},n.p="",n(n.s=287)}({287:function(e,t){!function(){"use strict";var e=document.getElementsByClassName("has-lightbox");Array.from(e).forEach((function(e,t){e.className+=" lightbox-"+t+" ",function(e){var t=document.createElement("div");t.setAttribute("class","coblocks-lightbox");var n=document.createElement("div");n.setAttribute("class","coblocks-lightbox__background");var o=document.createElement("div");o.setAttribute("class","coblocks-lightbox__heading");var c=document.createElement("button");c.setAttribute("class","coblocks-lightbox__close");var r=document.createElement("span");r.setAttribute("class","coblocks-lightbox__count");var a=document.createElement("div");a.setAttribute("class","coblocks-lightbox__image");var i=document.createElement("img"),l=document.createElement("figcaption");l.setAttribute("class","coblocks-lightbox__caption");var s=document.createElement("button");s.setAttribute("class","coblocks-lightbox__arrow coblocks-lightbox__arrow--left");var u=document.createElement("button");u.setAttribute("class","coblocks-lightbox__arrow coblocks-lightbox__arrow--right");var d=document.createElement("div");d.setAttribute("class","arrow-right");var b=document.createElement("div");b.setAttribute("class","arrow-left");var m,f=document.querySelectorAll(".has-lightbox.lightbox-".concat(e," > :not(.carousel-nav) figure img, figure.has-lightbox.lightbox-").concat(e," > img")),g=document.querySelectorAll(".has-lightbox.lightbox-".concat(e," > :not(.carousel-nav) figure figcaption"));o.append(r,c),a.append(i,l),s.append(b),u.append(d),t.append(n,o,a,s,u),f.length>0&&(document.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0].append(t),1===f.length&&(u.remove(),s.remove()));g.length>0&&Array.from(g).forEach((function(e,t){e.addEventListener("click",(function(){p(t)}))}));Array.from(f).forEach((function(e,t){e.closest("figure").addEventListener("click",(function(){p(t)}))})),s.addEventListener("click",(function(){p(m=0===m?f.length-1:m-1)})),u.addEventListener("click",(function(){p(m=m===f.length-1?0:m+1)})),n.addEventListener("click",(function(){t.style.display="none"})),c.addEventListener("click",(function(){t.style.display="none"}));var v={preloaded:!1,setPreloadImages:function(){v.preloaded||(v.preloaded=!0,Array.from(f).forEach((function(e,t){v["img-".concat(t)]=new window.Image,v["img-".concat(t)].src=e.attributes.src.value,v["img-".concat(t)]["data-caption"]=f[t]&&f[t].nextElementSibling?function(e){for(var t=e.nextElementSibling;t;){if(t.matches("figcaption"))return t.innerHTML;t=t.nextElementSibling}return""}(f[t]):""})),document.onkeydown=function(e){if(void 0!==t&&"none"!==t)switch((e=e||window.event).keyCode){case 27:c.click();break;case 37:case 65:s.click();break;case 39:case 68:u.click()}})}};function p(e){v.setPreloadImages(),m=e,t.style.display="flex",n.style.backgroundImage="url(".concat(v["img-".concat(m)].src,")"),i.src=v["img-".concat(m)].src,l.innerHTML=v["img-".concat(m)]["data-caption"],r.textContent="".concat(m+1," / ").concat(f.length)}}(t)}))}()}});; 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$('a.jp-carousel-reblog').html( jetpackCarouselStrings.reblogged ).removeClass( 'reblog' ).addClass( 'reblogged' ); $( '#carousel-reblog-box div.submit span.canceltext' ).hide(); $('#carousel-reblog-submit').val( jetpackCarouselStrings.post_reblog ); $('div.jp-carousel-info').children().not('#carousel-reblog-box').fadeIn('fast'); slide.data('reblogged', 1); $('div.gallery').find('img[data-attachment-id="' + slide.data('attachment-id') + '"]').data('reblogged', 1); }, 'json' ); wpcom.carousel.stat('reblog_submit'); } } else if ( target.hasClass( 'jp-carousel-image-download' ) ) { wpcom.carousel.stat( 'download_original_click' ); // @end-hide-in-jetpack } else if ( target.hasClass( 'jp-carousel-commentlink' ) ) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $( window ).unbind( 'keydown', keyListener ); container.animate( { scrollTop: parseInt( info.position()[ 'top' ], 10 ) }, 'fast' ); $( '#jp-carousel-comment-form-submit-and-info-wrapper' ).slideDown( 'fast' ); $( '#jp-carousel-comment-form-comment-field' ).focus(); } else if ( target.hasClass( 'jp-carousel-comment-login' ) ) { var url = jetpackCarouselStrings.login_url + '%23jp-carousel-' + attachment_id; window.location.href = url; } else if ( target.parents( '#jp-carousel-comment-form-container' ).length ) { var textarea = $( '#jp-carousel-comment-form-comment-field' ) .blur( function () { $( window ).bind( 'keydown', keyListener ); } ) .focus( function () { $( window ).unbind( 'keydown', keyListener ); } ); var emailField = $( '#jp-carousel-comment-form-email-field' ) .blur( function () { $( window ).bind( 'keydown', keyListener ); } ) .focus( function () { $( window ).unbind( 'keydown', keyListener ); } ); var authorField = $( '#jp-carousel-comment-form-author-field' ) .blur( function () { $( window ).bind( 'keydown', keyListener ); } ) .focus( function () { $( window ).unbind( 'keydown', keyListener ); } ); var urlField = $( '#jp-carousel-comment-form-url-field' ) .blur( function () { $( window ).bind( 'keydown', keyListener ); } ) .focus( function () { $( window ).unbind( 'keydown', keyListener ); } ); if ( textarea && textarea.attr( 'id' ) === target.attr( 'id' ) ) { // For first page load $( window ).unbind( 'keydown', keyListener ); $( '#jp-carousel-comment-form-submit-and-info-wrapper' ).slideDown( 'fast' ); } else if ( target.is( 'input[type="submit"]' ) ) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $( '#jp-carousel-comment-form-spinner' ).show(); var ajaxData = { action: 'post_attachment_comment', nonce: jetpackCarouselStrings.nonce, blog_id: data[ 'blog_id' ], id: attachment_id, comment: textarea.val(), }; if ( ! ajaxData[ 'comment' ].length ) { gallery.jp_carousel( 'postCommentError', { field: 'jp-carousel-comment-form-comment-field', error: jetpackCarouselStrings.no_comment_text, } ); return; } if ( 1 !== Number( jetpackCarouselStrings.is_logged_in ) ) { ajaxData[ 'email' ] = emailField.val(); ajaxData[ 'author' ] = authorField.val(); ajaxData[ 'url' ] = urlField.val(); if ( 1 === Number( jetpackCarouselStrings.require_name_email ) ) { if ( ! ajaxData[ 'email' ].length || ! ajaxData[ 'email' ].match( '@' ) ) { gallery.jp_carousel( 'postCommentError', { field: 'jp-carousel-comment-form-email-field', error: jetpackCarouselStrings.no_comment_email, } ); return; } else if ( ! ajaxData[ 'author' ].length ) { gallery.jp_carousel( 'postCommentError', { field: 'jp-carousel-comment-form-author-field', error: jetpackCarouselStrings.no_comment_author, } ); return; } } } $.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: jetpackCarouselStrings.ajaxurl, data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', success: function ( response /*, status, xhr*/ ) { if ( 'approved' === response.comment_status ) { $( '#jp-carousel-comment-post-results' ) .slideUp( 'fast' ) .html( '' ) .slideDown( 'fast' ); } else if ( 'unapproved' === response.comment_status ) { $( '#jp-carousel-comment-post-results' ) .slideUp( 'fast' ) .html( '' ) .slideDown( 'fast' ); } else { // 'deleted', 'spam', false $( '#jp-carousel-comment-post-results' ) .slideUp( 'fast' ) .html( '' ) .slideDown( 'fast' ); } gallery.jp_carousel( 'clearCommentTextAreaValue' ); gallery.jp_carousel( 'getComments', { attachment_id: attachment_id, offset: 0, clear: true, } ); $( '#jp-carousel-comment-form-button-submit' ).val( jetpackCarouselStrings.post_comment ); $( '#jp-carousel-comment-form-spinner' ).hide(); }, error: function (/*xhr, status, error*/) { // TODO: Add error handling and display here gallery.jp_carousel( 'postCommentError', { field: 'jp-carousel-comment-form-comment-field', error: jetpackCarouselStrings.comment_post_error, } ); return; }, } ); } } else if ( ! target.parents( '.jp-carousel-info' ).length ) { container.jp_carousel( 'next' ); } } ) .bind( 'jp_carousel.afterOpen', function () { $( window ).bind( 'keydown', keyListener ); $( window ).bind( 'resize', resizeListener ); gallery.opened = true; resizeListener(); } ) .bind( 'jp_carousel.beforeClose', function () { var scroll = $( window ).scrollTop(); $( window ).unbind( 'keydown', keyListener ); $( window ).unbind( 'resize', resizeListener ); $( window ).scrollTop( scroll ); $( '.jp-carousel-previous-button' ).hide(); $( '.jp-carousel-next-button' ).hide(); // Set height to original value // Fix some themes where closing carousel brings view back to top $( 'html' ).css( 'height', '' ); gallery.jp_carousel( 'hide_reblog_box' ); // @hide-in-jetpack } ) .bind( 'jp_carousel.afterClose', function () { if ( window.location.hash && history.back ) { history.back(); } last_known_location_hash = ''; gallery.opened = false; } ) .on( 'transitionend.jp-carousel ', '.jp-carousel-slide', function ( e ) { // If the movement transitions take more than twice the allotted time, disable them. // There is some wiggle room in the 2x, since some of that time is taken up in // JavaScript, setting up the transition and calling the events. if ( 'transform' === e.originalEvent.propertyName ) { var transitionMultiplier = ( Date.now() - transitionBegin ) / 1000 / e.originalEvent.elapsedTime; container.off( 'transitionend.jp-carousel' ); if ( transitionMultiplier >= 2 ) { $( '.jp-carousel-transitions' ).removeClass( 'jp-carousel-transitions' ); } } } ); $( '.jp-carousel-wrap' ).touchwipe( { wipeLeft: function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); gallery.jp_carousel( 'next' ); }, wipeRight: function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); gallery.jp_carousel( 'previous' ); }, preventDefaultEvents: false, } ); nextButton.add( previousButton ).click( function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if ( nextButton.is( this ) ) { gallery.jp_carousel( 'next' ); } else { gallery.jp_carousel( 'previous' ); } } ); } }; var processSingleImageGallery = function () { // process links that contain img tag with attribute data-attachment-id $( 'a img[data-attachment-id]' ).each( function () { var container = $( this ).parent(); // skip if image was already added to gallery by shortcode if ( container.parent( '.gallery-icon' ).length ) { return; } // skip if the container is not a link if ( 'undefined' === typeof $( container ).attr( 'href' ) ) { return; } var valid = false; // if link points to 'Media File' (ignoring GET parameters) and flag is set allow it if ( $( container ).attr( 'href' ).split( '?' )[ 0 ] === $( this ).attr( 'data-orig-file' ).split( '?' )[ 0 ] && 1 === Number( jetpackCarouselStrings.single_image_gallery_media_file ) ) { valid = true; } // if link points to 'Attachment Page' allow it if ( $( container ).attr( 'href' ) === $( this ).attr( 'data-permalink' ) ) { valid = true; } // links to 'Custom URL' or 'Media File' when flag not set are not valid if ( ! valid ) { return; } // make this node a gallery recognizable by event listener above $( container ).addClass( 'single-image-gallery' ); // blog_id is needed to allow posting comments to correct blog $( container ).data( 'carousel-extra', { blog_id: Number( jetpackCarouselStrings.blog_id ), } ); } ); }; var methods = { testForData: function ( gallery ) { gallery = $( gallery ); return ! ( ! gallery.length || ! gallery.data( 'carousel-extra' ) ); }, testIfOpened: function () { return !! ( 'undefined' !== typeof gallery && 'undefined' !== typeof gallery.opened && gallery.opened ); }, openOrSelectSlide: function ( index ) { // The `open` method triggers an asynchronous effect, so we will get an // error if we try to use `open` then `selectSlideAtIndex` immediately // after it. We can only use `selectSlideAtIndex` if the carousel is // already open. if ( ! $( this ).jp_carousel( 'testIfOpened' ) ) { // The `open` method selects the correct slide during the // initialization. $( this ).jp_carousel( 'open', { start_index: index } ); } else { gallery.jp_carousel( 'selectSlideAtIndex', index ); } }, open: function ( options ) { var settings = { items_selector: '.gallery-item [data-attachment-id], .tiled-gallery-item [data-attachment-id], img[data-attachment-id]', start_index: 0, }, data = $( this ).data( 'carousel-extra' ); if ( ! data ) { return; // don't run if the default gallery functions weren't used } prepareGallery( data ); if ( gallery.jp_carousel( 'testIfOpened' ) ) { return; // don't open if already opened } // make sure to stop the page from scrolling behind the carousel overlay, so we don't trigger // infiniscroll for it when enabled (Reader, theme infiniscroll, etc). originalOverflow = $( 'body' ).css( 'overflow' ); $( 'body' ).css( 'overflow', 'hidden' ); // prevent html from overflowing on some of the new themes. originalHOverflow = $( 'html' ).css( 'overflow' ); $( 'html' ).css( 'overflow', 'hidden' ); scrollPos = $( window ).scrollTop(); container.data( 'carousel-extra', data ); // @start-hide-in-jetpack wpcom.carousel.stat( ['open', 'view_image'] ); // @end-hide-in-jetpack return this.each( function () { // If options exist, lets merge them // with our default settings var $this = $( this ); if ( options ) { $.extend( settings, options ); } if ( -1 === settings.start_index ) { settings.start_index = 0; //-1 returned if can't find index, so start from beginning } container.trigger( 'jp_carousel.beforeOpen' ).fadeIn( 'fast', function () { container.trigger( 'jp_carousel.afterOpen' ); gallery .jp_carousel( 'initSlides', $this.find( settings.items_selector ), settings.start_index ) .jp_carousel( 'selectSlideAtIndex', settings.start_index ); } ); gallery.html( '' ); } ); }, selectSlideAtIndex: function ( index ) { var slides = this.jp_carousel( 'slides' ), selected = slides.eq( index ); if ( 0 === selected.length ) { selected = slides.eq( 0 ); } gallery.jp_carousel( 'selectSlide', selected, false ); return this; }, close: function () { // make sure to let the page scroll again $( 'body' ).css( 'overflow', originalOverflow ); $( 'html' ).css( 'overflow', originalHOverflow ); this.jp_carousel( 'clearCommentTextAreaValue' ); return container.trigger( 'jp_carousel.beforeClose' ).fadeOut( 'fast', function () { container.trigger( 'jp_carousel.afterClose' ); $( window ).scrollTop( scrollPos ); } ); }, next: function () { this.jp_carousel( 'previousOrNext', 'nextSlide' ); gallery.jp_carousel( 'hide_reblog_box' ); // @hide-in-jetpack }, previous: function () { this.jp_carousel( 'previousOrNext', 'prevSlide' ); gallery.jp_carousel( 'hide_reblog_box' ); // @hide-in-jetpack }, previousOrNext: function ( slideSelectionMethodName ) { if ( ! this.jp_carousel( 'hasMultipleImages' ) ) { return false; } var slide = gallery.jp_carousel( slideSelectionMethodName ); if ( slide ) { container.animate( { scrollTop: 0 }, 'fast' ); this.jp_carousel( 'clearCommentTextAreaValue' ); this.jp_carousel( 'selectSlide', slide ); wpcom.carousel.stat( ['previous', 'view_image'] ); // @hide-in-jetpack } }, // @start-hide-in-jetpack resetButtons : function (current) { if ( current.data( 'reblogged' ) ) { $('.jp-carousel-buttons a.jp-carousel-reblog').addClass( 'reblogged' ).text( jetpackCarouselStrings.reblogged ); } else { $('.jp-carousel-buttons a.jp-carousel-reblog').removeClass( 'reblogged' ).text( jetpackCarouselStrings.reblog ); } // Must also take care of reblog/reblogged here }, // @end-hide-in-jetpack selectedSlide: function () { return this.find( '.selected' ); }, setSlidePosition: function ( x ) { transitionBegin = Date.now(); return this.css( { '-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(' + x + 'px,0,0)', '-moz-transform': 'translate3d(' + x + 'px,0,0)', '-ms-transform': 'translate(' + x + 'px,0)', '-o-transform': 'translate(' + x + 'px,0)', transform: 'translate3d(' + x + 'px,0,0)', } ); }, updateSlidePositions: function ( animate ) { var current = this.jp_carousel( 'selectedSlide' ), galleryWidth = gallery.width(), currentWidth = current.width(), previous = gallery.jp_carousel( 'prevSlide' ), next = gallery.jp_carousel( 'nextSlide' ), previousPrevious = previous.prev(), nextNext = next.next(), left = Math.floor( ( galleryWidth - currentWidth ) * 0.5 ); current.jp_carousel( 'setSlidePosition', left ).show(); // minimum width gallery.jp_carousel( 'fitInfo', animate ); // prep the slides var direction = lastSelectedSlide.is( current.prevAll() ) ? 1 : -1; // Since we preload the `previousPrevious` and `nextNext` slides, we need // to make sure they technically visible in the DOM, but invisible to the // user. To hide them from the user, we position them outside the edges // of the window. // // This section of code only applies when there are more than three // slides. Otherwise, the `previousPrevious` and `nextNext` slides will // overlap with the `previous` and `next` slides which must be visible // regardless. if ( 1 === direction ) { if ( ! nextNext.is( previous ) ) { nextNext.jp_carousel( 'setSlidePosition', galleryWidth + next.width() ).show(); } if ( ! previousPrevious.is( next ) ) { previousPrevious .jp_carousel( 'setSlidePosition', -previousPrevious.width() - currentWidth ) .show(); } } else { if ( ! nextNext.is( previous ) ) { nextNext.jp_carousel( 'setSlidePosition', galleryWidth + currentWidth ).show(); } } previous .jp_carousel( 'setSlidePosition', Math.floor( -previous.width() + screenPadding * 0.75 ) ) .show(); next .jp_carousel( 'setSlidePosition', Math.ceil( galleryWidth - screenPadding * 0.75 ) ) .show(); }, selectSlide: function ( slide, animate ) { lastSelectedSlide = this.find( '.selected' ).removeClass( 'selected' ); var slides = gallery.jp_carousel( 'slides' ).css( { position: 'fixed' } ), current = $( slide ).addClass( 'selected' ).css( { position: 'relative' } ), attachmentId = current.data( 'attachment-id' ), previous = gallery.jp_carousel( 'prevSlide' ), next = gallery.jp_carousel( 'nextSlide' ), previousPrevious = previous.prev(), nextNext = next.next(), animated, captionHtml; // center the main image gallery.jp_carousel( 'loadFullImage', current ); caption.hide(); if ( next.length === 0 && slides.length <= 2 ) { $( '.jp-carousel-next-button' ).hide(); } else { $( '.jp-carousel-next-button' ).show(); } if ( previous.length === 0 && slides.length <= 2 ) { $( '.jp-carousel-previous-button' ).hide(); } else { $( '.jp-carousel-previous-button' ).show(); } animated = current .add( previous ) .add( previousPrevious ) .add( next ) .add( nextNext ) .jp_carousel( 'loadSlide' ); // slide the whole view to the x we want slides.not( animated ).hide(); gallery.jp_carousel( 'updateSlidePositions', animate ); gallery.jp_carousel( 'resetButtons', current ); // @hide-in-jetpack container.trigger( 'jp_carousel.selectSlide', [ current ] ); gallery.jp_carousel( 'getTitleDesc', { title: current.data( 'title' ), desc: current.data( 'desc' ), } ); var imageMeta = current.data( 'image-meta' ); gallery.jp_carousel( 'updateExif', imageMeta ); gallery.jp_carousel( 'updateFullSizeLink', current ); gallery.jp_carousel( 'updateMap', imageMeta ); if ( 1 === +jetpackCarouselStrings.display_comments ) { gallery.jp_carousel( 'testCommentsOpened', current.data( 'comments-opened' ) ); gallery.jp_carousel( 'getComments', { attachment_id: attachmentId, offset: 0, clear: true, } ); $( '#jp-carousel-comment-post-results' ).slideUp(); } // $('
        ').text(sometext).html() is a trick to go to HTML to plain // text (including HTML entities decode, etc) if ( current.data( 'caption' ) ) { captionHtml = $( '
        ' ).text( current.data( 'caption' ) ).html(); if ( captionHtml === $( '
        ' ).text( current.data( 'title' ) ).html() ) { $( '.jp-carousel-titleanddesc-title' ).fadeOut( 'fast' ).empty(); } if ( captionHtml === $( '
        ' ).text( current.data( 'desc' ) ).html() ) { $( '.jp-carousel-titleanddesc-desc' ).fadeOut( 'fast' ).empty(); } caption.html( current.data( 'caption' ) ).fadeIn( 'slow' ); } else { caption.fadeOut( 'fast' ).empty(); } // Record pageview in WP Stats, for each new image loaded full-screen. if ( jetpackCarouselStrings.stats ) { new Image().src = document.location.protocol + '//pixel.wp.com/g.gif?' + jetpackCarouselStrings.stats + '&post=' + encodeURIComponent( attachmentId ) + '&rand=' + Math.random(); } wpcom.carousel.pageview( attachmentId ); // @hide-in-jetpack // Load the images for the next and previous slides. $( next ) .add( previous ) .each( function () { gallery.jp_carousel( 'loadFullImage', $( this ) ); } ); window.location.hash = last_known_location_hash = '#jp-carousel-' + attachmentId; }, slides: function () { return this.find( '.jp-carousel-slide' ); }, slideDimensions: function () { return { width: $( window ).width() - screenPadding * 2, height: Math.floor( ( $( window ).height() / 100 ) * proportion - 60 ), }; }, loadSlide: function () { return this.each( function () { var slide = $( this ); slide.find( 'img' ).one( 'load', function () { // set the width/height of the image if it's too big slide.jp_carousel( 'fitSlide', false ); } ); } ); }, bestFit: function () { var max = gallery.jp_carousel( 'slideDimensions' ), orig = this.jp_carousel( 'originalDimensions' ), orig_ratio = orig.width / orig.height, w_ratio = 1, h_ratio = 1, width, height; if ( orig.width > max.width ) { w_ratio = max.width / orig.width; } if ( orig.height > max.height ) { h_ratio = max.height / orig.height; } if ( w_ratio < h_ratio ) { width = max.width; height = Math.floor( width / orig_ratio ); } else if ( h_ratio < w_ratio ) { height = max.height; width = Math.floor( height * orig_ratio ); } else { width = orig.width; height = orig.height; } return { width: width, height: height, }; }, fitInfo: function (/*animated*/) { var current = this.jp_carousel( 'selectedSlide' ), size = current.jp_carousel( 'bestFit' ); photo_info.css( { left: Math.floor( ( info.width() - size.width ) * 0.5 ), width: Math.floor( size.width ), } ); return this; }, fitMeta: function ( animated ) { var newInfoTop = { top: Math.floor( ( $( window ).height() / 100 ) * proportion + 5 ) + 'px', }; var newLeftWidth = { width: info.width() - ( imageMeta.width() + 80 ) + 'px' }; if ( animated ) { info.animate( newInfoTop ); leftColWrapper.animate( newLeftWidth ); } else { info.animate( newInfoTop ); leftColWrapper.css( newLeftWidth ); } }, fitSlide: function (/*animated*/) { return this.each( function () { var $this = $( this ), dimensions = $this.jp_carousel( 'bestFit' ), method = 'css', max = gallery.jp_carousel( 'slideDimensions' ); dimensions.left = 0; dimensions.top = Math.floor( ( max.height - dimensions.height ) * 0.5 ) + 40; $this[ method ]( dimensions ); } ); }, texturize: function ( text ) { text = '' + text; // make sure we get a string. Title "1" came in as int 1, for example, which did not support .replace(). text = text .replace( /'/g, '’' ) .replace( /'/g, '’' ) .replace( /[\u2019]/g, '’' ); text = text .replace( /"/g, '”' ) .replace( /"/g, '”' ) .replace( /"/g, '”' ) .replace( /[\u201D]/g, '”' ); text = text.replace( /([\w]+)=&#[\d]+;(.+?)&#[\d]+;/g, '$1="$2"' ); // untexturize allowed HTML tags params double-quotes return $.trim( text ); }, initSlides: function ( items, start_index ) { if ( items.length < 2 ) { $( '.jp-carousel-next-button, .jp-carousel-previous-button' ).hide(); } else { $( '.jp-carousel-next-button, .jp-carousel-previous-button' ).show(); } // Calculate the new src. items.each( function (/*i*/) { var src_item = $( this ), orig_size = src_item.data( 'orig-size' ) || '', max = gallery.jp_carousel( 'slideDimensions' ), parts = orig_size.split( ',' ), medium_file = src_item.data( 'medium-file' ) || '', large_file = src_item.data( 'large-file' ) || '', src; orig_size = { width: parseInt( parts[ 0 ], 10 ), height: parseInt( parts[ 1 ], 10 ) }; // @start-hide-in-jetpack if ( 'undefined' !== typeof wpcom ) { src = src_item.attr('src') || src_item.attr('original') || src_item.data('original') || src_item.data('lazy-src'); if (src.indexOf('imgpress') !== -1) { src = src_item.data('orig-file'); } // Square/Circle galleries use a resize param that needs to be removed. src = wpcom.carousel.removeResizeFromImageURL( src ); src = wpcom.carousel.addWidthToImageURL( src, wpcom.carousel.findFirstLargeEnoughWidth( orig_size.width, orig_size.height, max.width, max.height ) ); } else { // @end-hide-in-jetpack src = src_item.data( 'orig-file' ); src = gallery.jp_carousel( 'selectBestImageSize', { orig_file: src, orig_width: orig_size.width, orig_height: orig_size.height, max_width: max.width, max_height: max.height, medium_file: medium_file, large_file: large_file, } ); // @start-hide-in-jetpack } // end else of if ( 'undefined' != typeof wpcom ) // @end-hide-in-jetpack // Set the final src $( this ).data( 'gallery-src', src ); } ); // If the start_index is not 0 then preload the clicked image first. if ( 0 !== start_index ) { $( '' )[ 0 ].src = $( items[ start_index ] ).data( 'gallery-src' ); } var useInPageThumbnails = items.first().closest( '.tiled-gallery.type-rectangular' ).length > 0; // create the 'slide' items.each( function ( i ) { var src_item = $( this ), reblogged = src_item.data( 'reblogged' ) || 0, // @hide-in-jetpack attachment_id = src_item.data( 'attachment-id' ) || 0, comments_opened = src_item.data( 'comments-opened' ) || 0, image_meta = src_item.data( 'image-meta' ) || {}, orig_size = src_item.data( 'orig-size' ) || '', thumb_size = { width: src_item[ 0 ].naturalWidth, height: src_item[ 0 ].naturalHeight }, title = src_item.data( 'image-title' ) || '', description = src_item.data( 'image-description' ) || '', caption = src_item.parents( '.gallery-item' ).find( '.gallery-caption' ).html() || '', src = src_item.data( 'gallery-src' ) || '', medium_file = src_item.data( 'medium-file' ) || '', large_file = src_item.data( 'large-file' ) || '', orig_file = src_item.data( 'orig-file' ) || ''; var tiledCaption = src_item .parents( 'div.tiled-gallery-item' ) .find( 'div.tiled-gallery-caption' ) .html(); if ( tiledCaption ) { caption = tiledCaption; } if ( attachment_id && orig_size.length ) { title = gallery.jp_carousel( 'texturize', title ); description = gallery.jp_carousel( 'texturize', description ); caption = gallery.jp_carousel( 'texturize', caption ); // Initially, the image is a 1x1 transparent gif. The preview is shown as a background image on the slide itself. var image = $( '' ) .attr( 'src', '' ) .css( 'width', '100%' ) .css( 'height', '100%' ); var slide = $( '' ) .hide() .css( { //'position' : 'fixed', left: i < start_index ? -1000 : gallery.width(), } ) .append( image ) .appendTo( gallery ) .data( 'src', src ) .data( 'title', title ) .data( 'desc', description ) .data( 'caption', caption ) .data( 'attachment-id', attachment_id ) .data( 'permalink', src_item.parents( 'a' ).attr( 'href' ) ) .data( 'orig-size', orig_size ) .data( 'comments-opened', comments_opened ) .data( 'image-meta', image_meta ) .data( 'medium-file', medium_file ) .data( 'large-file', large_file ) .data( 'orig-file', orig_file ) .data( 'reblogged', reblogged ) // @hide-in-jetpack .data( 'thumb-size', thumb_size ); if ( useInPageThumbnails ) { // Use the image already loaded in the gallery as a preview. slide.data( 'preview-image', src_item.attr( 'src' ) ).css( { 'background-image': 'url("' + src_item.attr( 'src' ) + '")', 'background-size': '100% 100%', 'background-position': 'center center', } ); } slide.jp_carousel( 'fitSlide', false ); } } ); return this; }, selectBestImageSize: function ( args ) { if ( 'object' !== typeof args ) { args = {}; } if ( 'undefined' === typeof args.orig_file ) { return ''; } if ( 'undefined' === typeof args.orig_width || 'undefined' === typeof args.max_width ) { return args.orig_file; } if ( 'undefined' === typeof args.medium_file || 'undefined' === typeof args.large_file ) { return args.orig_file; } // Check if the image is being served by Photon (using a regular expression on the hostname). var imageLinkParser = document.createElement( 'a' ); imageLinkParser.href = args.large_file; var isPhotonUrl = /^i[0-2].wp.com$/i.test( imageLinkParser.hostname ); var medium_size_parts = gallery.jp_carousel( 'getImageSizeParts', args.medium_file, args.orig_width, isPhotonUrl ); var large_size_parts = gallery.jp_carousel( 'getImageSizeParts', args.large_file, args.orig_width, isPhotonUrl ); var large_width = parseInt( large_size_parts[ 0 ], 10 ), large_height = parseInt( large_size_parts[ 1 ], 10 ), medium_width = parseInt( medium_size_parts[ 0 ], 10 ), medium_height = parseInt( medium_size_parts[ 1 ], 10 ); // Assign max width and height. args.orig_max_width = args.max_width; args.orig_max_height = args.max_height; // Give devices with a higher devicePixelRatio higher-res images (Retina display = 2, Android phones = 1.5, etc) if ( 'undefined' !== typeof window.devicePixelRatio && window.devicePixelRatio > 1 ) { args.max_width = args.max_width * window.devicePixelRatio; args.max_height = args.max_height * window.devicePixelRatio; } if ( large_width >= args.max_width || large_height >= args.max_height ) { return args.large_file; } if ( medium_width >= args.max_width || medium_height >= args.max_height ) { return args.medium_file; } if ( isPhotonUrl ) { // args.orig_file doesn't point to a Photon url, so in this case we use args.large_file // to return the photon url of the original image. var largeFileIndex = args.large_file.lastIndexOf( '?' ); var origPhotonUrl = args.large_file; if ( -1 !== largeFileIndex ) { origPhotonUrl = args.large_file.substring( 0, largeFileIndex ); // If we have a really large image load a smaller version // that is closer to the viewable size if ( args.orig_width > args.max_width || args.orig_height > args.max_height ) { origPhotonUrl += '?fit=' + args.orig_max_width + '%2C' + args.orig_max_height; } } return origPhotonUrl; } return args.orig_file; }, getImageSizeParts: function ( file, orig_width, isPhotonUrl ) { var size = isPhotonUrl ? file.replace( /.*=([\d]+%2C[\d]+).*$/, '$1' ) : file.replace( /.*-([\d]+x[\d]+)\..+$/, '$1' ); var size_parts = size !== file ? isPhotonUrl ? size.split( '%2C' ) : size.split( 'x' ) : [ orig_width, 0 ]; // If one of the dimensions is set to 9999, then the actual value of that dimension can't be retrieved from the url. // In that case, we set the value to 0. if ( '9999' === size_parts[ 0 ] ) { size_parts[ 0 ] = '0'; } if ( '9999' === size_parts[ 1 ] ) { size_parts[ 1 ] = '0'; } return size_parts; }, // @start-hide-in-jetpack show_reblog_box: function () { $('#carousel-reblog-box textarea').val(jetpackCarouselStrings.reblog_add_thoughts); //t.addClass('selected'); $('#carousel-reblog-box p.response').remove(); $('#carousel-reblog-box div.submit, #carousel-reblog-box div.submit span.canceltext').show(); $('#carousel-reblog-box div.submit input[type=submit]').prop('disabled', false); var current = $('.jp-carousel div.selected'); $('#carousel-reblog-box input#carousel-reblog-post-url').val( current.data('permalink') ); $('#carousel-reblog-box input#carousel-reblog-post-title').val( $('div.jp-carousel-info').children('h2').text() ); $('div.jp-carousel-info').append( $('#carousel-reblog-box') ).children().fadeOut('fast'); $('#carousel-reblog-box').fadeIn('fast'); }, hide_reblog_box: function () { $( 'div.jp-carousel-info' ).children().not( '#carousel-reblog-box' ).fadeIn( 'fast' ); $( '#carousel-reblog-box' ).fadeOut( 'fast' ); }, // @end-hide-in-jetpack originalDimensions: function () { var splitted = $( this ).data( 'orig-size' ).split( ',' ); return { width: parseInt( splitted[ 0 ], 10 ), height: parseInt( splitted[ 1 ], 10 ) }; }, format: function ( args ) { if ( 'object' !== typeof args ) { args = {}; } if ( ! args.text || 'undefined' === typeof args.text ) { return; } if ( ! args.replacements || 'undefined' === typeof args.replacements ) { return args.text; } return args.text.replace( /{(\d+)}/g, function ( match, number ) { return typeof args.replacements[ number ] !== 'undefined' ? args.replacements[ number ] : match; } ); }, /** * Returns a number in a fraction format that represents the shutter speed. * @param Number speed * @return String */ shutterSpeed: function ( speed ) { var denominator; // round to one decimal if value > 1s by multiplying it by 10, rounding, then dividing by 10 again if ( speed >= 1 ) { return Math.round( speed * 10 ) / 10 + 's'; } // If the speed is less than one, we find the denominator by inverting // the number. Since cameras usually use rational numbers as shutter // speeds, we should get a nice round number. Or close to one in cases // like 1/30. So we round it. denominator = Math.round( 1 / speed ); return '1/' + denominator + 's'; }, parseTitleDesc: function ( value ) { if ( ! value.match( ' ' ) && value.match( '_' ) ) { return ''; } return value; }, getTitleDesc: function ( data ) { var title = '', desc = '', markup = '', target; target = $( 'div.jp-carousel-titleanddesc', 'div.jp-carousel-wrap' ); target.hide(); title = gallery.jp_carousel( 'parseTitleDesc', data.title ) || ''; desc = gallery.jp_carousel( 'parseTitleDesc', data.desc ) || ''; if ( title.length || desc.length ) { // Convert from HTML to plain text (including HTML entities decode, etc) if ( $( '
        ' ).html( title ).text() === $( '
        ' ).html( desc ).text() ) { title = ''; } markup = title.length ? '' : ''; markup += desc.length ? '' : ''; target.html( markup ).fadeIn( 'slow' ); } $( 'div#jp-carousel-comment-form-container' ).css( 'margin-top', '20px' ); $( 'div#jp-carousel-comments-loading' ).css( 'margin-top', '20px' ); }, // updateExif updates the contents of the exif UL (.jp-carousel-image-exif) updateExif: function ( meta ) { if ( ! meta || 1 !== Number( jetpackCarouselStrings.display_exif ) ) { return false; } var $ul = $( "" ); $.each( meta, function ( key, val ) { if ( 0 === parseFloat( val ) || ! val.length || -1 === $.inArray( key, $.makeArray( jetpackCarouselStrings.meta_data ) ) ) { return; } switch ( key ) { case 'focal_length': val = val + 'mm'; break; case 'shutter_speed': val = gallery.jp_carousel( 'shutterSpeed', val ); break; case 'aperture': val = 'f/' + val; break; } $ul.append( '
      • ' + jetpackCarouselStrings[ key ] + '
        ' + val + '
      • ' ); } ); // Update (replace) the content of the ul $( 'div.jp-carousel-image-meta ul.jp-carousel-image-exif' ).replaceWith( $ul ); }, // updateFullSizeLink updates the contents of the jp-carousel-image-download link updateFullSizeLink: function ( current ) { if ( ! current || ! current.data ) { return false; } var original, origSize = current.data( 'orig-size' ).split( ',' ), imageLinkParser = document.createElement( 'a' ); imageLinkParser.href = current.data( 'src' ).replace( /\?.+$/, '' ); // Is this a Photon URL? if ( imageLinkParser.hostname.match( /^i[\d]{1}.wp.com$/i ) !== null ) { original = imageLinkParser.href; } else { original = current.data( 'orig-file' ).replace( /\?.+$/, '' ); } var permalink = $( '' + gallery.jp_carousel( 'format', { text: jetpackCarouselStrings.download_original, replacements: origSize, } ) + '' ) .addClass( 'jp-carousel-image-download' ) .attr( 'href', original ) .attr( 'target', '_blank' ); // Update (replace) the content of the anchor $( 'div.jp-carousel-image-meta a.jp-carousel-image-download' ).replaceWith( permalink ); }, updateMap: function ( meta ) { if ( ! meta.latitude || ! meta.longitude || 1 !== Number( jetpackCarouselStrings.display_geo ) ) { return; } var latitude = meta.latitude, longitude = meta.longitude, $metabox = $( 'div.jp-carousel-image-meta', 'div.jp-carousel-wrap' ), $mapbox = $( '
        ' ), style = '&scale=2&style=feature:all|element:all|invert_lightness:true|hue:0x0077FF|saturation:-50|lightness:-5|gamma:0.91'; $mapbox .addClass( 'jp-carousel-image-map' ) .html( '\ \
        \ \ ' ) .prependTo( $metabox ); }, testCommentsOpened: function ( opened ) { if ( 1 === parseInt( opened, 10 ) ) { // @start-hide-in-jetpack if ( 1 === Number( jetpackCarouselStrings.is_logged_in ) ) { $('.jp-carousel-commentlink').fadeIn('fast'); } else { // @end-hide-in-jetpack $( '.jp-carousel-buttons' ).fadeIn( 'fast' ); // @start-hide-in-jetpack } // @end-hide-in-jetpack commentForm.fadeIn( 'fast' ); } else { // @start-hide-in-jetpack if ( 1 === Number( jetpackCarouselStrings.is_logged_in ) ) { $('.jp-carousel-commentlink').fadeOut('fast'); } else { // @end-hide-in-jetpack $( '.jp-carousel-buttons' ).fadeOut( 'fast' ); // @start-hide-in-jetpack } // @end-hide-in-jetpack commentForm.fadeOut( 'fast' ); } }, getComments: function ( args ) { clearInterval( commentInterval ); if ( 'object' !== typeof args ) { return; } if ( 'undefined' === typeof args.attachment_id || ! args.attachment_id ) { return; } if ( ! args.offset || 'undefined' === typeof args.offset || args.offset < 1 ) { args.offset = 0; } var comments = $( '.jp-carousel-comments' ), commentsLoading = $( '#jp-carousel-comments-loading' ).show(); if ( args.clear ) { comments.hide().empty(); } $.ajax( { type: 'GET', url: jetpackCarouselStrings.ajaxurl, dataType: 'json', data: { action: 'get_attachment_comments', nonce: jetpackCarouselStrings.nonce, id: args.attachment_id, offset: args.offset, }, success: function ( data /*, status, xhr*/ ) { if ( args.clear ) { comments.fadeOut( 'fast' ).empty(); } $( data ).each( function () { var comment = $( '
        ' ) .addClass( 'jp-carousel-comment' ) .attr( 'id', 'jp-carousel-comment-' + this[ 'id' ] ) .html( '
        ' + this[ 'gravatar_markup' ] + '
        ' + '
        ' + this[ 'author_markup' ] + '
        ' + '
        ' + this[ 'date_gmt' ] + '
        ' + '
        ' + this[ 'content' ] + '
        ' ); comments.append( comment ); // Set the interval to check for a new page of comments. clearInterval( commentInterval ); commentInterval = setInterval( function () { if ( $( '.jp-carousel-overlay' ).height() - 150 < $( '.jp-carousel-wrap' ).scrollTop() + $( window ).height() ) { gallery.jp_carousel( 'getComments', { attachment_id: args.attachment_id, offset: args.offset + 10, clear: false, } ); clearInterval( commentInterval ); } }, 300 ); } ); // Verify (late) that the user didn't repeatldy click the arrows really fast, in which case the requested // attachment id might no longer match the current attachment id by the time we get the data back or a now // registered infiniscroll event kicks in, so we don't ever display comments for the wrong image by mistake. var current = $( '.jp-carousel div.selected' ); if ( current && current.data && current.data( 'attachment-id' ) != args.attachment_id ) { comments.fadeOut( 'fast' ); comments.empty(); return; } // Increase the height of the background, semi-transparent overlay to match the new length of the comments list. $( '.jp-carousel-overlay' ).height( $( window ).height() + titleAndDescription.height() + commentForm.height() + ( comments.height() > 0 ? comments.height() : imageMeta.height() ) + 200 ); comments.show(); commentsLoading.hide(); }, error: function ( xhr, status, error ) { // TODO: proper error handling console.log( 'Comment get fail...', xhr, status, error ); comments.fadeIn( 'fast' ); commentsLoading.fadeOut( 'fast' ); }, } ); }, postCommentError: function ( args ) { if ( 'object' !== typeof args ) { args = {}; } if ( ! args.field || 'undefined' === typeof args.field || ! args.error || 'undefined' === typeof args.error ) { return; } $( '#jp-carousel-comment-post-results' ) .slideUp( 'fast' ) .html( '' ) .slideDown( 'fast' ); $( '#jp-carousel-comment-form-spinner' ).hide(); }, setCommentIframeSrc: function ( attachment_id ) { var iframe = $( '#jp-carousel-comment-iframe' ); // Set the proper irame src for the current attachment id if ( iframe && iframe.length ) { iframe.attr( 'src', iframe.attr( 'src' ).replace( /(postid=)\d+/, '$1' + attachment_id ) ); iframe.attr( 'src', iframe.attr( 'src' ).replace( /(%23.+)?$/, '%23jp-carousel-' + attachment_id ) ); } }, clearCommentTextAreaValue: function () { var commentTextArea = $( '#jp-carousel-comment-form-comment-field' ); if ( commentTextArea ) { commentTextArea.val( '' ); } }, nextSlide: function () { var slides = this.jp_carousel( 'slides' ); var selected = this.jp_carousel( 'selectedSlide' ); if ( selected.length === 0 || ( slides.length > 2 && selected.is( slides.last() ) ) ) { return slides.first(); } return selected.next(); }, prevSlide: function () { var slides = this.jp_carousel( 'slides' ); var selected = this.jp_carousel( 'selectedSlide' ); if ( selected.length === 0 || ( slides.length > 2 && selected.is( slides.first() ) ) ) { return slides.last(); } return selected.prev(); }, loadFullImage: function ( slide ) { var image = slide.find( 'img:first' ); if ( ! image.data( 'loaded' ) ) { // If the width of the slide is smaller than the width of the "thumbnail" we're already using, // don't load the full image. image.on( 'load.jetpack', function () { image.off( 'load.jetpack' ); $( this ).closest( '.jp-carousel-slide' ).css( 'background-image', '' ); } ); if ( ! slide.data( 'preview-image' ) || ( slide.data( 'thumb-size' ) && slide.width() > slide.data( 'thumb-size' ).width ) ) { image .attr( 'src', image.closest( '.jp-carousel-slide' ).data( 'src' ) ) .attr( 'itemprop', 'image' ); } else { image.attr( 'src', slide.data( 'preview-image' ) ).attr( 'itemprop', 'image' ); } image.data( 'loaded', 1 ); } }, hasMultipleImages: function () { return gallery.jp_carousel( 'slides' ).length > 1; }, }; $.fn.jp_carousel = function ( method ) { // ask for the HTML of the gallery // Method calling logic if ( methods[ method ] ) { return methods[ method ].apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ) ); } else if ( typeof method === 'object' || ! method ) { return methods.open.apply( this, arguments ); } else { $.error( 'Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.jp_carousel' ); } }; // register the event listener for starting the gallery $( document.body ).on( 'click.jp-carousel', 'div.gallery, div.tiled-gallery, ul.wp-block-gallery, ul.blocks-gallery-grid, figure.blocks-gallery-grid, div.wp-block-jetpack-tiled-gallery, a.single-image-gallery', function ( e ) { if ( ! $( this ).jp_carousel( 'testForData', e.currentTarget ) ) { return; } // Check if the image is linked so we can disable carousel for custom linked images // Only run for gallery blocks, not galleries created in Classic block - images from Classic // block galleries do not have 'data-permalink' defined and can't have custom links. var parentHref = $( e.target ).parent().attr( 'href' ); if ( parentHref && $( e.target ).attr( 'data-permalink' ) ) { var valid = false; if ( parentHref.split( '?' )[ 0 ] === $( e.target ).attr( 'data-orig-file' ).split( '?' )[ 0 ] ) { valid = true; } // if link points to 'Attachment Page' allow it if ( parentHref === $( e.target ).attr( 'data-permalink' ) ) { valid = true; } // links to 'Custom URL' or 'Media File' when flag not set are not valid if ( ! valid ) { return; } } // Do not open the modal if we are looking at a gallery caption from before WP5, which may contain a link. if ( $( e.target ).parent().hasClass( 'gallery-caption' ) ) { return; } // Do not open the modal if we are looking at a caption of a gallery block, which may contain a link. if ( $( e.target ).parent().is( 'figcaption' ) ) { return; } // Set height to auto // Fix some themes where closing carousel brings view back to top $( 'html' ).css( 'height', 'auto' ); e.preventDefault(); // Stopping propagation in case there are parent elements // with .gallery or .tiled-gallery class e.stopPropagation(); $( this ).jp_carousel( 'open', { start_index: $( this ) .find( '.gallery-item, .tiled-gallery-item, .blocks-gallery-item, .tiled-gallery__item, .wp-block-image' ) .index( $( e.target ).parents( '.gallery-item, .tiled-gallery-item, .blocks-gallery-item, .tiled-gallery__item, .wp-block-image' ) ), } ); } ); // handle lightbox (single image gallery) for images linking to 'Attachment Page' if ( 1 === Number( jetpackCarouselStrings.single_image_gallery ) ) { processSingleImageGallery(); $( document.body ).on( 'post-load', function () { processSingleImageGallery(); } ); } // Makes carousel work on page load and when back button leads to same URL with carousel hash (ie: no actual document.ready trigger) $( window ).on( 'hashchange.jp-carousel', function () { var hashRegExp = /jp-carousel-(\d+)/, matches, attachmentId, galleries, selectedThumbnail; if ( ! window.location.hash || ! hashRegExp.test( window.location.hash ) ) { if ( gallery && gallery.opened ) { container.jp_carousel( 'close' ); } return; } if ( window.location.hash === last_known_location_hash && gallery.opened ) { return; } if ( window.location.hash && gallery && ! gallery.opened && history.back ) { history.back(); return; } last_known_location_hash = window.location.hash; matches = window.location.hash.match( hashRegExp ); attachmentId = parseInt( matches[ 1 ], 10 ); galleries = $( 'div.gallery, div.tiled-gallery, a.single-image-gallery, ul.wp-block-gallery, div.wp-block-jetpack-tiled-gallery' ); // Find the first thumbnail that matches the attachment ID in the location // hash, then open the gallery that contains it. galleries.each( function ( _, galleryEl ) { $( galleryEl ) .find( 'img' ) .each( function ( imageIndex, imageEl ) { if ( $( imageEl ).data( 'attachment-id' ) === parseInt( attachmentId, 10 ) ) { selectedThumbnail = { index: imageIndex, gallery: galleryEl }; return false; } } ); if ( selectedThumbnail ) { $( selectedThumbnail.gallery ).jp_carousel( 'openOrSelectSlide', selectedThumbnail.index ); return false; } } ); } ); if ( window.location.hash ) { $( window ).trigger( 'hashchange' ); } } ); /** * jQuery Plugin to obtain touch gestures from iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad, should also work with Android mobile phones (not tested yet!) * Common usage: wipe images (left and right to show the previous or next image) * * @author Andreas Waltl, netCU Internetagentur (http://www.netcu.de) * Version 1.1.1, modified to pass the touchmove event to the callbacks. */ ( function ( $ ) { $.fn.touchwipe = function ( settings ) { var config = { min_move_x: 20, min_move_y: 20, wipeLeft: function (/*e*/) {}, wipeRight: function (/*e*/) {}, wipeUp: function (/*e*/) {}, wipeDown: function (/*e*/) {}, preventDefaultEvents: true, }; if ( settings ) { $.extend( config, settings ); } this.each( function () { var startX; var startY; var isMoving = false; function cancelTouch() { this.removeEventListener( 'touchmove', onTouchMove ); startX = null; isMoving = false; } function onTouchMove( e ) { if ( config.preventDefaultEvents ) { e.preventDefault(); } if ( isMoving ) { var x = e.touches[ 0 ].pageX; var y = e.touches[ 0 ].pageY; var dx = startX - x; var dy = startY - y; if ( Math.abs( dx ) >= config.min_move_x ) { cancelTouch(); if ( dx > 0 ) { config.wipeLeft( e ); } else { config.wipeRight( e ); } } else if ( Math.abs( dy ) >= config.min_move_y ) { cancelTouch(); if ( dy > 0 ) { config.wipeDown( e ); } else { config.wipeUp( e ); } } } } function onTouchStart( e ) { if ( e.touches.length === 1 ) { startX = e.touches[ 0 ].pageX; startY = e.touches[ 0 ].pageY; isMoving = true; this.addEventListener( 'touchmove', onTouchMove, false ); } } if ( 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement ) { this.addEventListener( 'touchstart', onTouchStart, false ); } } ); return this; }; } )( jQuery ); ; var ak_js = document.getElementById( "ak_js" ); if ( ! ak_js ) { ak_js = document.createElement( 'input' ); ak_js.setAttribute( 'id', 'ak_js' ); ak_js.setAttribute( 'name', 'ak_js' ); ak_js.setAttribute( 'type', 'hidden' ); } else { ak_js.parentNode.removeChild( ak_js ); } ak_js.setAttribute( 'value', ( new Date() ).getTime() ); var commentForm = document.getElementById( 'commentform' ); if ( commentForm ) { commentForm.appendChild( ak_js ); } else { var replyRowContainer = document.getElementById( 'replyrow' ); if ( replyRowContainer ) { var children = replyRowContainer.getElementsByTagName( 'td' ); if ( children.length > 0 ) { children[0].appendChild( ak_js ); } } }; /* global WPCOM_sharing_counts, grecaptcha */ // NOTE: This file intentionally does not make use of polyfills or libraries, // including jQuery. Please keep all code as IE11-compatible vanilla ES5, and // ensure everything is inside an IIFE to avoid global namespace pollution. // Code follows WordPress browser support guidelines. For an up to date list, // see https://make.wordpress.org/core/handbook/best-practices/browser-support/ ( function () { var currentScript = document.currentScript; var recaptchaScriptAdded = false; // -------------------------- UTILITY FUNCTIONS -------------------------- // // Helper function to load an external script. function loadScript( url ) { var script = document.createElement( 'script' ); var prev = currentScript || document.getElementsByTagName( 'script' )[ 0 ]; script.setAttribute( 'async', true ); script.setAttribute( 'src', url ); prev.parentNode.insertBefore( script, prev ); } // Helper matches function (not a polyfill), compatible with IE 11. function matches( el, sel ) { if ( Element.prototype.matches ) { return el.matches( sel ); } if ( Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector ) { return el.msMatchesSelector( sel ); } } // Helper closest parent node function (not a polyfill) based on // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/closest#Polyfill function closest( el, sel ) { if ( el.closest ) { return el.closest( sel ); } var current = el; do { if ( matches( current, sel ) ) { return current; } current = current.parentElement || current.parentNode; } while ( current !== null && current.nodeType === 1 ); return null; } // Helper function to iterate over a NodeList // (since IE 11 doesn't have NodeList.prototype.forEach) function forEachNode( list, fn ) { for ( var i = 0; i < list.length; i++ ) { var node = list[ i ]; fn( node, i, list ); } } // Helper function to remove a node from the DOM. function removeNode( node ) { if ( node && node.parentNode ) { node.parentNode.removeChild( node ); } } // Helper functions to show/hide a node, and check its status. function hideNode( node ) { if ( node ) { node.style.display = 'none'; } } function showNode( node ) { if ( node ) { node.style.removeProperty( 'display' ); } } function isNodeHidden( node ) { return ! node || node.style.display === 'none'; } // ------------------------------- CLASSES ------------------------------- // var PANE_SELECTOR = '.sharing-hidden .inner'; var PANE_DATA_ATTR = 'data-sharing-more-button-id'; // Implements a MoreButton class, which controls the lifecycle and behavior // of a "more" button and its dialog. function MoreButton( buttonEl ) { this.button = buttonEl; this.pane = closest( buttonEl, 'div' ).querySelector( PANE_SELECTOR ); this.openedBy = null; this.recentlyOpenedByHover = false; MoreButton.instances.push( this ); this.pane.setAttribute( PANE_DATA_ATTR, MoreButton.instances.length - 1 ); this.attachHandlers(); } // Keep a reference to each instance, so we can get back to it from the DOM. MoreButton.instances = []; // Delay time configs. MoreButton.hoverOpenDelay = 200; MoreButton.recentOpenDelay = 400; MoreButton.hoverCloseDelay = 300; // Use this to avoid creating new instances for buttons which already have one. MoreButton.instantiateOrReuse = function ( buttonEl ) { var pane = closest( buttonEl, 'div' ).querySelector( PANE_SELECTOR ); var paneId = pane && pane.getAttribute( PANE_DATA_ATTR ); var existingInstance = MoreButton.instances[ paneId ]; if ( existingInstance ) { return existingInstance; } return new MoreButton( buttonEl ); }; // Retrieve a button instance from the pane DOM element. MoreButton.getButtonInstanceFromPane = function ( paneEl ) { var paneId = paneEl && paneEl.getAttribute( PANE_DATA_ATTR ); return MoreButton.instances[ paneId ]; }; // Close all open More Button dialogs. MoreButton.closeAll = function () { for ( var i = 0; i < MoreButton.instances.length; i++ ) { MoreButton.instances[ i ].close(); } }; MoreButton.prototype.open = function () { var offset; var offsetParent; var parentOffset = [ 0, 0 ]; function getOffsets( el ) { var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return [ rect.left + ( window.scrollX || window.pageXOffset || 0 ), rect.top + ( window.scrollY || window.pageYOffset || 0 ), ]; } function getStyleValue( el, prop ) { return parseInt( getComputedStyle( el ).getPropertyValue( prop ) || 0 ); } offset = getOffsets( this.button ); offsetParent = this.button.offsetParent || document.documentElement; while ( offsetParent && ( offsetParent === document.body || offsetParent === document.documentElement ) && getComputedStyle( offsetParent ).getPropertyValue( 'position' ) === 'static' ) { offsetParent = offsetParent.parentNode; } if ( offsetParent && offsetParent !== this.button && offsetParent.nodeType === 1 ) { parentOffset = getOffsets( offsetParent ); parentOffset = [ parentOffset[ 0 ] + getStyleValue( offsetParent, 'border-left-width' ), parentOffset[ 1 ] + getStyleValue( offsetParent, 'border-top-width' ), ]; } var positionLeft = offset[ 0 ] - parentOffset[ 0 ] - getStyleValue( this.button, 'margin-left' ); var positionTop = offset[ 1 ] - parentOffset[ 1 ] - getStyleValue( this.button, 'margin-top' ); this.pane.style.left = positionLeft + 'px'; this.pane.style.top = positionTop + this.button.offsetHeight + 3 + 'px'; showNode( this.pane ); }; MoreButton.prototype.close = function () { hideNode( this.pane ); this.openedBy = null; }; MoreButton.prototype.toggle = function () { if ( isNodeHidden( this.pane ) ) { this.open(); } else { this.close(); } }; MoreButton.prototype.resetCloseTimer = function () { clearTimeout( this.closeTimer ); this.closeTimer = setTimeout( this.close.bind( this ), MoreButton.hoverCloseDelay ); }; MoreButton.prototype.attachHandlers = function () { this.buttonClick = function ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); this.openedBy = 'click'; clearTimeout( this.openTimer ); clearTimeout( this.closeTimer ); closeEmailDialog(); if ( this.recentlyOpenedByHover ) { this.recentlyOpenedByHover = false; clearTimeout( this.hoverOpenTimer ); this.open(); } else { this.toggle(); } }.bind( this ); this.buttonEnter = function () { if ( ! this.openedBy ) { this.openTimer = setTimeout( function () { closeEmailDialog(); this.open(); this.openedBy = 'hover'; this.recentlyOpenedByHover = true; this.hoverOpenTimer = setTimeout( function () { this.recentlyOpenedByHover = false; }.bind( this ), MoreButton.recentOpenDelay ); }.bind( this ), MoreButton.hoverOpenDelay ); } clearTimeout( this.closeTimer ); }.bind( this ); this.buttonLeave = function () { if ( this.openedBy === 'hover' ) { this.resetCloseTimer(); } clearTimeout( this.openTimer ); }.bind( this ); this.paneEnter = function () { clearTimeout( this.closeTimer ); }.bind( this ); this.paneLeave = function () { if ( this.openedBy === 'hover' ) { this.resetCloseTimer(); } }.bind( this ); this.documentClick = function () { this.close(); }.bind( this ); this.button.addEventListener( 'click', this.buttonClick ); document.addEventListener( 'click', this.documentClick ); if ( document.ontouchstart === undefined ) { // Non-touchscreen device: use hover/mouseout with delay this.button.addEventListener( 'mouseenter', this.buttonEnter ); this.button.addEventListener( 'mouseleave', this.buttonLeave ); this.pane.addEventListener( 'mouseenter', this.paneEnter ); this.pane.addEventListener( 'mouseleave', this.paneLeave ); } }; // ---------------------------- SHARE COUNTS ---------------------------- // if ( window.sharing_js_options && window.sharing_js_options.counts ) { var WPCOMSharing = { done_urls: [], get_counts: function () { var url, requests, id, service, service_request; if ( 'undefined' === typeof WPCOM_sharing_counts ) { return; } for ( url in WPCOM_sharing_counts ) { id = WPCOM_sharing_counts[ url ]; if ( 'undefined' !== typeof WPCOMSharing.done_urls[ id ] ) { continue; } requests = { // Pinterest handles share counts for both http and https pinterest: [ window.location.protocol + '//api.pinterest.com/v1/urls/count.json?callback=WPCOMSharing.update_pinterest_count&url=' + encodeURIComponent( url ), ], // Facebook protocol summing has been shown to falsely double counts, so we only request the current URL facebook: [ window.location.protocol + '//graph.facebook.com/?callback=WPCOMSharing.update_facebook_count&ids=' + encodeURIComponent( url ), ], }; for ( service in requests ) { if ( ! document.querySelector( 'a[data-shared=sharing-' + service + '-' + id + ']' ) ) { continue; } while ( ( service_request = requests[ service ].pop() ) ) { loadScript( service_request ); } if ( window.sharing_js_options.is_stats_active ) { WPCOMSharing.bump_sharing_count_stat( service ); } } WPCOMSharing.done_urls[ id ] = true; } }, // get the version of the url that was stored in the dom get_permalink: function ( url ) { if ( 'https:' === window.location.protocol ) { url = url.replace( /^http:\/\//i, 'https://' ); } else { url = url.replace( /^https:\/\//i, 'http://' ); } return url; }, update_facebook_count: function ( data ) { var url, permalink; if ( ! data ) { return; } for ( url in data ) { if ( ! Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call( data, url ) || ! data[ url ].share || ! data[ url ].share.share_count ) { continue; } permalink = WPCOMSharing.get_permalink( url ); if ( ! ( permalink in WPCOM_sharing_counts ) ) { continue; } WPCOMSharing.inject_share_count( 'sharing-facebook-' + WPCOM_sharing_counts[ permalink ], data[ url ].share.share_count ); } }, update_pinterest_count: function ( data ) { if ( 'undefined' !== typeof data.count && data.count * 1 > 0 ) { WPCOMSharing.inject_share_count( 'sharing-pinterest-' + WPCOM_sharing_counts[ data.url ], data.count ); } }, inject_share_count: function ( id, count ) { forEachNode( document.querySelectorAll( 'a[data-shared=' + id + '] > span' ), function ( span ) { var countNode = span.querySelector( '.share-count' ); removeNode( countNode ); var newNode = document.createElement( 'span' ); newNode.className = 'share-count'; newNode.textContent = WPCOMSharing.format_count( count ); span.appendChild( newNode ); } ); }, format_count: function ( count ) { if ( count < 1000 ) { return count; } if ( count >= 1000 && count < 10000 ) { return String( count ).substring( 0, 1 ) + 'K+'; } return '10K+'; }, bump_sharing_count_stat: function ( service ) { new Image().src = document.location.protocol + '//pixel.wp.com/g.gif?v=wpcom-no-pv&x_sharing-count-request=' + service + '&r=' + Math.random(); }, }; window.WPCOMSharing = WPCOMSharing; } // ------------------------ BUTTON FUNCTIONALITY ------------------------ // function shareIsEmail( val ) { return /^((([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+(\.([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+)*)|((\x22)((((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(([\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f]|\x21|[\x23-\x5b]|[\x5d-\x7e]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(\\([\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0d-\x7f]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]))))*(((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(\x22)))@((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.?$/i.test( val ); } function closeEmailDialog() { var dialog = document.querySelector( '#sharing_email' ); hideNode( dialog ); } // Sharing initialization. // Will run immediately or on `DOMContentLoaded`, depending on current page status. function init() { // Move email dialog to end of body. var emailDialog = document.querySelector( '#sharing_email' ); if ( emailDialog ) { document.body.appendChild( emailDialog ); } WPCOMSharing_do(); } if ( document.readyState !== 'loading' ) { init(); } else { document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', init ); } // Set up sharing again whenever a new post loads, to pick up any new buttons. document.body.addEventListener( 'is.post-load', WPCOMSharing_do ); // Set up sharing, updating counts and adding all button functionality. function WPCOMSharing_do() { if ( window.WPCOMSharing ) { window.WPCOMSharing.get_counts(); } forEachNode( document.querySelectorAll( '.sharedaddy a' ), function ( anchor ) { var href = anchor.getAttribute( 'href' ); if ( href && href.indexOf( 'share=' ) !== -1 && href.indexOf( '&nb=1' ) === -1 ) { anchor.setAttribute( 'href', href + '&nb=1' ); } } ); // Show hidden buttons // Touchscreen device: use click. // Non-touchscreen device: use click if not already appearing due to a hover event forEachNode( document.querySelectorAll( '.sharedaddy a.sharing-anchor' ), function ( buttonEl ) { MoreButton.instantiateOrReuse( buttonEl ); } ); if ( document.ontouchstart !== undefined ) { document.body.classList.add( 'jp-sharing-input-touch' ); } // Add click functionality forEachNode( document.querySelectorAll( '.sharedaddy ul' ), function ( group ) { if ( group.getAttribute( 'data-sharing-events-added' ) === 'true' ) { return; } group.setAttribute( 'data-sharing-events-added', 'true' ); var printUrl = function ( uniqueId, urlToPrint ) { var iframe = document.createElement( 'iframe' ); iframe.setAttribute( 'style', 'position:fixed; top:100; left:100; height:1px; width:1px; border:none;' ); iframe.setAttribute( 'id', 'printFrame-' + uniqueId ); iframe.setAttribute( 'name', iframe.getAttribute( 'id' ) ); iframe.setAttribute( 'src', urlToPrint ); iframe.setAttribute( 'onload', 'frames["printFrame-' + uniqueId + '"].focus();frames["printFrame-' + uniqueId + '"].print();' ); document.body.appendChild( iframe ); }; // Print button forEachNode( group.querySelectorAll( 'a.share-print' ), function ( printButton ) { printButton.addEventListener( 'click', function ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); var ref = printButton.getAttribute( 'href' ) || ''; var doPrint = function () { if ( ref.indexOf( '#print' ) === -1 ) { var uid = new Date().getTime(); printUrl( uid, ref ); } else { window.print(); } }; // Is the button in a dropdown? var pane = closest( printButton, PANE_SELECTOR ); if ( pane ) { var moreButton = MoreButton.getButtonInstanceFromPane( pane ); if ( moreButton ) { moreButton.close(); doPrint(); } } else { doPrint(); } } ); } ); // Press This button forEachNode( group.querySelectorAll( 'a.share-press-this' ), function ( pressThisButton ) { pressThisButton.addEventListener( 'click', function ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); var s = ''; if ( window.getSelection ) { s = window.getSelection(); } else if ( document.getSelection ) { s = document.getSelection(); } else if ( document.selection ) { s = document.selection.createRange().text; } if ( s ) { var href = pressThisButton.getAttribute( 'href' ); pressThisButton.setAttribute( 'href', href + '&sel=' + encodeURI( s ) ); } if ( ! window.open( pressThisButton.getAttribute( 'href' ), 't', 'toolbar=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,status=1,width=720,height=570' ) ) { document.location.href = pressThisButton.getAttribute( 'href' ); } } ); } ); // Email button forEachNode( group.querySelectorAll( 'a.share-email' ), function ( emailButton ) { var dialog = document.querySelector( '#sharing_email' ); emailButton.addEventListener( 'click', function ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); // Load reCAPTCHA if needed. if ( typeof grecaptcha !== 'object' && ! recaptchaScriptAdded ) { var configEl = document.querySelector( '.g-recaptcha' ); if ( configEl && configEl.getAttribute( 'data-lazy' ) === 'true' ) { recaptchaScriptAdded = true; loadScript( decodeURI( configEl.getAttribute( 'data-url' ) ) ); } } var url = emailButton.getAttribute( 'href' ); var currentDomain = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + '/'; if ( url.indexOf( currentDomain ) !== 0 ) { return true; } if ( ! isNodeHidden( dialog ) ) { closeEmailDialog(); return; } removeNode( document.querySelector( '#sharing_email .response' ) ); var form = document.querySelector( '#sharing_email form' ); showNode( form ); form.querySelector( 'input[type=submit]' ).removeAttribute( 'disabled' ); showNode( form.querySelector( 'a.sharing_cancel' ) ); // Reset reCATPCHA if exists. if ( 'object' === typeof grecaptcha && 'function' === typeof grecaptcha.reset && window.___grecaptcha_cfg.count ) { grecaptcha.reset(); } // Show dialog var rect = emailButton.getBoundingClientRect(); var scrollLeft = window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft || 0; var scrollTop = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || 0; dialog.style.left = scrollLeft + rect.left + 'px'; dialog.style.top = scrollTop + rect.top + rect.height + 'px'; showNode( dialog ); // Close all open More Button dialogs. MoreButton.closeAll(); } ); // Hook up other buttons dialog.querySelector( 'a.sharing_cancel' ).addEventListener( 'click', function ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); hideNode( dialog.querySelector( '.errors' ) ); hideNode( dialog ); hideNode( document.querySelector( '#sharing_background' ) ); } ); var submitButton = dialog.querySelector( 'input[type=submit]' ); submitButton.addEventListener( 'click', function ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); var form = closest( submitButton, 'form' ); var source_email_input = form.querySelector( 'input[name=source_email]' ); var target_email_input = form.querySelector( 'input[name=target_email]' ); // Disable buttons + enable loading icon submitButton.setAttribute( 'disabled', true ); hideNode( form.querySelector( 'a.sharing_cancel' ) ); forEachNode( form.querySelectorAll( 'img.loading' ), function ( img ) { showNode( img ); } ); hideNode( form.querySelector( '.errors' ) ); forEachNode( form.querySelectorAll( '.error' ), function ( node ) { node.classList.remove( 'error' ); } ); if ( ! shareIsEmail( source_email_input.value ) ) { source_email_input.classList.add( 'error' ); } if ( ! shareIsEmail( target_email_input.value ) ) { target_email_input.classList.add( 'error' ); } if ( ! form.querySelector( '.error' ) ) { // Encode form data. This would be much easier if we could rely on URLSearchParams... var params = []; for ( var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++ ) { if ( form.elements[ i ].name ) { // Encode each form element into a URI-compatible string. var encoded = encodeURIComponent( form.elements[ i ].name ) + '=' + encodeURIComponent( form.elements[ i ].value ); // In x-www-form-urlencoded, spaces should be `+`, not `%20`. params.push( encoded.replace( '%20', '+' ) ); } } var data = params.join( '&' ); // AJAX send the form var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open( 'POST', emailButton.getAttribute( 'href' ), true ); request.setRequestHeader( 'Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' ); request.setRequestHeader( 'x-requested-with', 'XMLHttpRequest' ); request.onreadystatechange = function () { if ( this.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE && this.status === 200 ) { forEachNode( form.querySelectorAll( 'img.loading' ), function ( img ) { hideNode( img ); } ); if ( this.response === '1' || this.response === '2' || this.response === '3' ) { showNode( dialog.querySelector( '.errors-' + this.response ) ); dialog.querySelector( 'input[type=submit]' ).removeAttribute( 'disabled' ); showNode( dialog.querySelector( 'a.sharing_cancel' ) ); if ( typeof grecaptcha === 'object' && typeof grecaptcha.reset === 'function' ) { grecaptcha.reset(); } } else { hideNode( form ); var temp = document.createElement( 'div' ); temp.innerHTML = this.response; dialog.appendChild( temp.firstChild ); showNode( dialog.querySelector( 'a.sharing_cancel' ) ); var closeButton = dialog.querySelector( '.response a.sharing_cancel' ); if ( closeButton ) { closeButton.addEventListener( 'click', function ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); closeEmailDialog(); hideNode( document.querySelector( '#sharing_background' ) ); } ); } } } }; request.send( data ); return; } forEachNode( dialog.querySelectorAll( 'img.loading' ), function ( img ) { hideNode( img ); } ); submitButton.removeAttribute( 'disabled' ); showNode( dialog.querySelector( 'a.sharing_cancel' ) ); forEachNode( dialog.querySelectorAll( '.errors-1' ), function ( error ) { showNode( error ); } ); } ); } ); } ); forEachNode( document.querySelectorAll( 'li.share-email, li.share-custom a.sharing-anchor' ), function ( node ) { node.classList.add( 'share-service-visible' ); } ); } } )(); ;